U.S. Senate and House WAP Reauthorization Bills Introduced
A bipartisan group of U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives introduced legislation in both chambers to strengthen and reauthorize the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), with strong support from NASEO and other partner organizations.
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DOE Assistant Secretary Evans Testifies Before House Energy and Commerce Committee
Karen Evans, Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response, recently testified before the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
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Swiss-U.S. Energy Innovation Days 2018 Convene Energy Professionals Across the Atlantic
The Swiss-U.S. Energy Innovation Days (SUEID) 2018 convened entrepreneurs, governments, academics, and others from Switzerland and the United States for a three-day workshop that explored new technologies, research methods, and collaborative approaches to energy production and use...
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USEER Reveals Growth Trends in Changing U.S. Energy Market
The 2018 U.S. Energy and Employment Report finds that the U.S. energy market accounts for millions of jobs, including in electric power generation and fuels; transmission, distribution and storage; energy efficiency; and motor vehicles.
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AFPM Releases Report on Fuel and Petrochemical Supply Chains
On July 9, the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) released its "Fuel and Petrochemical Supply Chains" report. The report describes key elements of the petroleum and petrochemical sectors - and discusses the role this infrastructure plays in delivering everyday fuels and consumer goods.
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DOE Releases Primer on Natural Gas Liquids
Last month, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released the 2018 Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) Primer.
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DOE to Host Webinar on Energy Affordability and Access
Please join the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on July 24, as it hosts a webinar Energy Affordability and Access in Focus: Tools and Metrics for Relative Vulnerability. In addition to findings from DOE's study of metrics, it will highlight geospatial maps that were created for the Solar For All tool.
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DOE Discusses the Advanced Grid R&D Program
The U.S. Department of Energy Electricity Advisory Committee Meeting, held July 9-10, 2018 in Arlington, Virginia, raised many issues and subsequent solutions DOE is dealing with regarding the role of policy in the advancement of new technologies to serve the electric grid.
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EPA to Host Portfolio Manager "Ask the Expert" Webinar: July 25, 2018
The U.S. Environmental Agency (EPA) will host a Portfolio Manager "Ask the Expert" webinar on July 25, 2018, from 12:00pm-1:00pm ET.
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NOAA Announces 2018 Atlantic Hurricane Season Predictions
On May 24, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released its forecast for the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season.
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DOE Hosts Clear Path VI Exercise
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) hosted its annual Clear Path energy sector infrastructure systems tabletop and workshop exercise on May 3 in Herndon, Virginia to examine the challenges and related consequences to power and gas utilities following a hurricane in the Mid-Atlantic region that developed in late April, more than a month ahead of the official start to the 2018 hurricane season.
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SPEER Energy Codes Report: Observations of Insulation Products in Flood Damaged Homes
Following Hurricane Harvey in 2017 SPEER conducted a field analysis to collect and analyze data on the condition of various types of insulation in flood-damaged homes.
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DOE to Host 2018 National Energy Codes Conference July 15-17 in Austin, Texas
Registration for the National Energy Codes Conference is now open. The conference will be held from July 15-18 in Austin, Texas. The room block will be open until June 24, 2018. Information about the conference can be found here. There are a limited number of scholarships available.
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EPA Announces New Funding for Water Infrastructure Projects
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced the availability of funding that could provide as much as $5.5 billion in loans, which could leverage over $11 billion in water infrastructure projects through the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program.
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EPA Announces 2018 ENERGY STAR Award Winners
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are honoring 163 ENERGY STAR partners - including Fortune 500 companies, schools, hospitals, retailers, manufacturers, home builders, and commercial building owners and operators - for their outstanding contributions to public health and the environment.
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AGA and EPRI Making Strides Towards Natural Gas and Electricity Harmonization
Lori Traweek, chief operating officer of the American Gas Association (AGA), recently spoke with EPRI Journal about coordinating the natural gas and electric systems-progress to date, challenges ahead, and the importance of planning, infrastructure, and R&D.
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U.S. House Subcommittee Advances Four Energy Security Bills
Legislation would improve DOE security programs to address the electric grid and pipelines following Russian cyber-hacks on the U.S. energy system.
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FY'18 Federal Energy Appropriations Increases SEP and WAP Funding
The House and Senate recently reached an agreement on the $1.3 trillion FY'18 omnibus federal appropriations bill, including $55 million for SEP and $251 million for WAP.
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IncentiFind Database Seeking Information on State Incentive and Financing Programs
IncentiFind, a nationwide database that helps property owners understand available energy efficiency, renewable energy, and other incentives, invites State Energy Offices to share information about their programs through its website.
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New Research Available from City University of New York and County of San Francisco on Energy Resilience with Solar Power and Batteries
Natural disasters have taken a heavy toll this year, with hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, and floods ravaging North America.
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EIA State Energy Portal: Focus Group Invitation
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) is hosting a short focus group on March 1 at 3:00 pm EST to help guide upcoming enhancements to their State Energy Portal.
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DOE Announces $2.75 Million in Federal Funding to Enhance Fossil Power Systems
Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy announced the availability of up to $2.75 million in federal funding for cost-shared research and development projects to enhance fossil power systems.
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GAO Releases Report Reviewing Electricity Supplier Actions to Protect Against Electromagnetic Pulses
The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released a report reviewing electricity industry actions to prepare for and mitigate electromagnetic risks.
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New Advanced Energy Design Guide Available to Help K-12 Schools Achieve Zero Energy
ASHRAE, the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES), the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), and funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), recently released Advanced Energy Design Guide for K-12 School Buildings - Achieving Zero Energy, the first in a series of guides tailored to the design and creation of zero energy buildings.
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DOE to Host Workshop on ESPC on March 6-8 in Washington, DC
The Department of Energy Federal Energy Management Program will offer a three day Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC) Workshop on March 6-8, 2018 in Washington, DC. The workshop will educate attendees on how to implement energy and water project through ESPC, and includes a new module on energy resiliency.
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Repeal of Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds Effective After December 31, 2017
On December 22, 2017, President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (HR 1), which makes widespread amendments to the Internal Revenue Code. Section 13404 of HR 1 provides for the repeal of tax credit bonds, including Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (QECBs), a tool for state and local governments to finance qualified conservation projects as defined in Section 54D of the U...
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2017 Costliest Weather Year Ever - Reinforces "All Hazards" Energy Emergency Preparedness
Last year set a record for costs incurred as a result of severe weather events according to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In all, 2017 storm damage totaled $306 billion due in large part to costs from a number of significant severe weather events.
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DOE Issues Final Rule on Grid Security Emergency Orders: Procedures for Issuance
On January 10, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) issued a final rule establishing procedural regulations concerning the Secretary of Energy's issuance of an emergency order under section 215A of the Federal Power Act.
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NREL Publishes ResStock State Fact Sheets
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has published the results of its highly granular analysis of the Residential Housing Stock, ResStock, where you can find data visualizations, state fact sheets, and more to help understand the residential housing stock in your state.
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DOE Releases Fact Sheet: Energy Savings Performance Contracting: Improving Infrastructure and Turning Waste into Wins
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently released a fact sheet, which provides an overview on energy savings performance contracting (ESPC) market potential, showcases ESPC case study projects, and provides a comprehensive list of resources for state and local leaders.
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The National Energy Efficiency Registry Aims to Track and Boost Energy Efficiency
The National Energy Efficiency Registry (NEER) is collecting standardized and transparent data on the savings associated with energy efficiency, with an eye towards broadening its use, standardizing more projects, improving measurement and verification of savings, and ultimately boosting investments in demand reduction.
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President Trump Appoints SSEB Federal Representative
On October 24, the Trump Administration announced that former Arkansas Senator Eddie Joe Williams will serve as Federal Representative for the Southern States Energy Board.
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Electric Cooperatives Light the Way Toward More Community Solar
According to the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, the service organization for America’s electric cooperatives, ratepayers that belong to cooperatives are voting to add solar to the mix, and it seems like this type of utility is growing community solar in a big way.
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Offshore Wind Shows Big Potential for Growth and Jobs
The future looks promising for the local and regional offshore wind business. Three recent reports project up to 36,000 new jobs and 8,000 megawatts of offshore wind power between New Jersey and Maine by 2030.
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ACEEE Releases 2017 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard
The American Council for an Energy-Efficieny Economy (ACEEE) recently released its 2017 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard.
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DOE Announces Better Buildings Webinar Series
The Department of Energy has announced that the Better Buildings Webinar series will be returning this fall.
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Sustainability Finance Lessons, from Adidas to Starbucks
As more retailers seek ways to pay for energy and sustainability upgrades, we’ve seen the benefits of alternative financing approaches accumulate for companies such as Apple, Starbucks, Adidas, and LVMH.
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Chairman Upton Calls for Energy Security Legislation
The U.S. House passed Enhancing State Energy Security Planning and Emergency Preparedness Act of 2017 may lay the groundwork for similar success in the U.S. Senate. Hurricane Harvey is a reminder that secure and plentiful energy resources are not a partisan issue.
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VW Trust Effective Date - October 2, 2017
The Trust Effective Date (TED) for the Volkswagen Settlement’s Environmental Mitigation Trust is October 2, 2017. States will have 60 days from the TED to submit their Certification for Beneficiary Status, which will allow them to become Beneficiaries of the Trust.
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DOE Calls for New FERC Power Rules
U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry filed a letter and a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) requesting that rules be developed to ensure bulk power market reliability.
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Senate Confirms Bush 43 Veteran to be Deputy Energy Secretary
The Senate recently confirmed Dan Brouillette, a former Energy Department official in the George W. Bush Administration, to return to the agency as deputy secretary. Mr. Brouillette was confirmed on a 79-17 vote.
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President Trump Announces Appointment of Neil Chatterjee as Chair of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Neil Chatterjee of Kentucky has been appointed Chair of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
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EPA Releases this Year’s ENERGY STAR Top Cities List
In June EPA released this year’s ENERGY STAR Top Cities list, showing which U.S. metro areas were home to the most ENERGY STAR certified buildings for last year. EPA ranked the Top 25 Cities overall, the Top 10 Mid-Size Cities, and the Top 10 Small Cities...
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U.S. House Appropriators Provide $50M for SEP and $225M for WAP
On June 12, the U.S. House Appropriations Committee began "marking up" the Energy and Water Bill which includes FY'18 appropriations for the U.S. Department of Energy among other agencies. In addition, the subcommittee maintained SEP and WAP at last year's funding levels of $50 million and $225 million respectively, with $3 million for WAP-related technical assistance.
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U.S. State Energy Program Reauthorization Bill Moves Forward - Strengthens Energy Security
For several years, NASEO has been working on a bipartisan basis with the states and Members of the U.S. House and Senate authorizing committees to achieve a reauthorization of appropriations for the U.S. State Energy Program (SEP).
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DOE Releases RFI Seeking Comments on Draft Database of State-Level Water Policies that Affect Energy Systems
The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Policy and Systems Analysis (DOE-EPSA) recently released a Request for Information (RFI) seeking comments on a draft database of over 1,700 state-level water policies that affect energy systems.
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Updated State Energy Program (SEP) Operations Manual Now Available
The U.S. Department of Energy recently updated the State Energy Program (SEP) Operations Manual. The Operations Manual is a reference tool for the SEP network states and program officials within the Department of Energy.
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The American Chemistry Council Reports Nearly 400,000 U.S. Jobs Generated from Manufacture of Insulation
We know the benefits of using insulation - lower energy bills; added indoor comfort; increased building durability; reduced pollution. But have you ever wondered who is responsible for bringing those benefits to homes and buildings across the country? The answer is nearly 400,000 of your fellow Americans!
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U.S. DOE Requests Comments on Streamlining Regulations and Requirements
As part of its implementation of President Trump’s Executive Order 13771, “Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs,” the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is seeking comments and information to assist in identifying existing regulations, paperwork requirements and other regulatory obligations that can be modified or repealed, consistent with law, to achieve meaningful burden reduction while continuing to achieve the Department’s statutory obligations.
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President Trump Issues Energy Related Executive Orders
Over the past several months, President Trump has issued two Executive Orders impacting the energy sector.
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Detailed Budget Comparison and DOE Budget Request Highlights for the President's FY'18 Budget Request
On Tuesday, May 23, 2017, President Trump released the Administration's FY'18 Budget Request, covering most major U.S. Department of Energy Programs, including comparisons with prior years.
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Updated Guidebook for Energy Efficiency Cost-Benefit Analysis Issued
A comprehensive national guide for utility-funded energy efficiency programs has been issued to help utilities, regulators, State Energy Officials, and other stakeholders make better energy efficiency decisions for their jurisdictions.
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NEER Input and Comments Sought
The National Energy Efficiency Registry (NEER) project team-led by State Energy Offices from Tennessee, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Oregon, and Pennsylvania-is pleased to release the draft NEER Principles and Operating Rules for public comment and feedback.
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EIA Releases Summer 2017 Short-Term Energy Outlook
According to the latest U.S. Energy Information Administration Short-Term Energy Outlook, electricity generation fueled by natural gas is expected to decrease from last summer, but will continue to exceed that of any other fuel, including coal-fired generation, for the third summer in a row.
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DOE Releases "Liberty Eclipse" Exercise After-Action Summary and Findings
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released key findings, proposed actions, and recommendations from “Liberty Eclipse,” a multi-state cyber-energy emergency exercise co-hosted by DOE and NASEO.
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Net-Zero Energy Communities on the Rise
Incorporating high-performance thermal barriers and windows, efficient appliances and LED lighting, photovoltaic (PV) cells, and sometimes battery storage, net-zero energy (NZE) buildings are designed to use no more energy than they generate over the course of a year. In the residential space, NZE homes and communities are on the rise.
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95 U.S. House Members Sign on in Support of FY'18 Funding for SEP and WAP
95 U.S. House of Representatives members recently signed on to a "Dear Colleague" letter in support of FY'18 funding for SEP and WAP.
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Chairman Murkowski and Ranking Member Cantwell Announce Upcoming Hearing Schedule
The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources recently announced three hearings to be held shortly. The hearings will focus on our nation's growing foreign mineral dependence, cybersecurity threats to the electric grid, and the infrastructure needs of Alaska.
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EIA Releases Transportation Fuels Market Study for Midwest and Rocky Mountain Regions
On March 8, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released its new study on how changes in the country's energy markets over the past 10 years has effected transportation fuels in the Midwest and Rocky Mountain regions.
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EIA 2015 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) Household Charateristics Data Released
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) recently released its 2015 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) Household Characteristics data. The housing characteristics data set provides national and regional information on housing types, household demographics, and features related to household energy consumption including fuels used, housing structures, appliances, electronics, and heating, cooling, and water heating equipment...
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Portman, Shaheen Introduce Energy Efficiency Legislation
U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) recently introduced the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act (ESIC), which contains key energy efficiency policy reforms that will strengthen the economy and reduce pollution.
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Nominations Now Open for 2017 SEPA Power Player Awards
The Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) Power Players Awards recognize innovative and compelling efforts to advance energy industry transformation by electric utilities and their partners. In particular, the awards focus on projects, initiatives and thought leadership that promote collaborative, innovative and replicable models for change.
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“Godfather” of Energy Efficiency, Art Rosenfeld, Remembered
Art Rosenfeld, a globally recognized pioneer of energy efficiency died at his home in Berkeley, California on January 27, 2017 at the age of 90.
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NGA's Administration Transition Priorities Include the Importance of SEP and WAP
The National Governors Association (NGA) released a report on the governors' top priorities as the Trump Administration takes office this week. The NGA report - We the Sates: Governors' Recommendations for the President-Elect - outline key areas to produce positive outcomes for Americans.
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DOE Releases Electromagnetic Pulse Resilience Action Plan
On January 9, the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability released the department's Electromagnetic Pulse Resilience (EMP) Action Plan as part of an ongoing effort to further understand and manage the risks associated with EMPs.
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Federal Agencies Announce New Actions to Invest in America's Clean Energy Future
The Obama Administration recently announced a series of actions that will reduce the carbon footprint in home and at work. As part of this action plan, five federal agencies are setting a course for climate resilience and water and energy efficiency savings.
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Appropriations Update
On September 28, Congress passed a stopgap spending bill to avoid a federal government shutdown as we enter the new federal fiscal year on October 1, 2016. The House vote in favor of the Continuing Resolution (CR) was 342-85, and the Senate vote was 72-16...
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Kathleen Hogan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for DOE, Receives Career Achievement Medal
Kathleen Hogan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently received the Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal, otherwise known as the “Sammies.”
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Secretary Moniz Testimony on Increased Energy Emergency Response
NASEO recently provided links to the testimony U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Moniz delivered at the field hearing held by U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell in Seattle, Washington on August 15.
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State Energy Research Center Guide
The U.S. Department of Energy and the Energy Resources Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago are working to update the 2011-2012 National Guide to State Energy Research Centers. The guide is a comprehensive list of all public, private, and non-profit energy research facilities in the U...
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Third-Party Entities Can Help States Administer Potential Clean Power Plan Implementation
A new paper, “Use of ‘Third-Party Entities’ for State and Federal Implementation of the Clean Power Plan: Issues and Options,” explores possible roles for private or public sector entities to help states implement components of the Clean Power Plan (should it be upheld by the courts).
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DOE's Better Buildings Initiative Expands Better Buildings Accelerators
The U.S. Department of Energy's Better Buildings Initiative has expanded to engage leaders in a set of Better Buildings Accelerators designed to demonstrate specific innovative policies and approaches, which upon successful demonstration will accelerate investment in energy efficiency.
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WalletHub Announces 2016's Most & Least Energy-Expensive States
To better understand the impact of energy on American finances relative to location and consumption habits, WalletHub’s analysts recently compared the total monthly energy bills in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
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EPA Releases Draft Guidance to States on Regional Haze
EPA has released its “Draft Guidance on Progress Tracking Metrics, Long-term Strategies, Reasonable Progress Goals and Other Requirements for Regional Haze State Implementation Plans for the Second Implementation Period” (resource page and fact sheet).
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White House Summit on Renewable Energy and Storage with Smart Meters – State, NASEO, USGBC Efforts Highlighted
On June 16, 2016, the White House hosted a summit to highlight the nation’s emerging promise of energy storage and renewable energy. The event, Scaling Renewable Energy and Storage with Smart Meters announced several actions by the Federal Government, states and the private sector to increase both the deployment of energy storage, advanced grid technologies and renewable energy throughout the country.
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USDA Announces New Assistance to Help Rural Utility Customers Conserve Energy and Lower Bills
On June 21, 2016, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced a new program that will help rural residents conserve energy and save money on their utility bills. The new Rural Energy Savings Program (RESP) will make $52 million in loans available to energy providers to help rural families and small businesses reduce their energy use.
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DOE Partners with CoStar Group, Inc. to Expand Energy-Efficient Buildings
On May 26, 2016, the U.S. Department of Energy announced a partnership with CoStar Group, Inc. to expand visibility of energy-efficient buildings in the U.S. real estate marketplace.
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Fannie Mae Improves Options for Energy Efficiency Financing
Fannie Mae has introduced HomeStyle® Energy mortgage, an enhanced option for borrowers who want to finance energy and water efficiency improvements to their home. Borrowers with an existing, higher-interest energy improvement loan, can more easily roll that loan into a new mortgage or into a refinance of an existing mortgage.
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Registration for Battle of the Buildings, Bootcamp 2016 Ends July 17 - Learn More Today
The ENERGY STAR® National Building Competition: BOOTCAMP is a competition that challenges building owners, managers, and occupants to reduce energy and water use, and save money in just 90 days!
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Report Examines State Law Interactions with Potential Clean Power Plan Options in the Southeast
Emory Law School’s Turner Environmental Law Clinic issued Mass-Based Clean Power Plan Compliance: State Law Impacts on Allowance Trading Programs in Eight Southeastern States, a report that analyzes state legal authorities that may affect state plan options for potential Clean Power Plan (CPP) implementation.
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NACAA Releases CPP Model State Plans
The National Association of Clean Air Agencies (NACAA) has released Implementing EPA’s Clean Power Plan: Model State Plans. This comprehensive document is designed to help states and localities comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan (CPP)...
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Architects and EPA Team Up to Advance ENERGY STAR Certification
The American Institute of Architects (AIA), Public Architecture, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have partnered to connect building owners seeking ENERGY STAR certification with licensed professionals willing to provide pro bono verification services.
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DOE Releases New Study Examining Progress toward SunShot Initiative for 2020 and Beyond
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently released the On the Path to SunShot reports, a series of research papers examining the U.S. solar energy industry and the SunShot Initiative's 2020 goals. In addition, SunShot is developing the next-generation solar workforce through its Solar Training and Education for Professionals Program (STEP).
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DOE Announces $25 million to Accelerate Grid/Solar Integration
On May 2, 2016, as part of DOE's ongoing efforts to modernize the nation's grid through the Grid Modernization Initiative, it announced $25 million in available funding through an effort called Enabling Extreme Real-Time Grid Integration of Solar Energy (ENERGISE).
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MidAmerican Energy Announces $3.6 billion Investment in Renewable Energy
MidAmerican Energy Company recently announced a major project that will provide a cleaner energy future for Iowa. The announcement is a giant step toward realizing the company’s vision of 100 percent renewable energy for customers in the state.
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New Study on Energy Burden Finds Disproportionate Impacts on Low-Income and Minority Households
Energy Efficiency for All and ACEEE released a new study this week entitled “Lifting the Energy Burden in America’s Largest Cities."
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House and Senate Announces FY'17 Funding Levels for SEP and WAP
The U.S. House and Senate recently announced funding levels for SEP and WAP for FY'17.
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DOE Releases Report on CHP Potential in the U.S.
The U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Manufacturing Office recently released a new report, "Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Technical Potential in the United States."
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DOE Announces Public Meetings for Consent-Based Siting of Used Nuclear Fuel and Waste
The U.S. Department of Energy announced a series of public meetings to receive input on designing a fair and effective process for the siting of facilities to manage spent nuclear fuel and high level radioactive wastes.
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EPA Announces ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Awards
On April 13, 2016, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency honored the 2016 ENERGY STAR Partners of the Year for Outstanding Achievements in Energy Efficiency.
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Celebrate High Performance Building Week
Monday, June 13, 2016, will mark the beginning of the 2016 version of High Performance Building Week.
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The ABCs of RTOs Webinar
The Regulatory Assistance Project will offer a webinar on regional transmission organizations (RTOs, sometimes called independent system operators or ISOs) that operate transmission grids on behalf of utilities in various regions of the country...
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U.S. Department of Energy Announces Location of Public Meetings for Consent-Based Siting of Used Nuclear Fuel and Waste
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced a series of public meetings to receive input on designing a fair and effective process for the siting of facilities to manage spent nuclear fuel and high level radioactive wastes...
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Senator Murkowski Releases Third CRS Analysis of Administration's Proposed Oil Tax
On March 3, Senator Lisa Murkowski released a new analysis by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Obama administration’s proposed tax on oil.
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SEE Action Releases Guide for States
SEE Action recently released a guide for states which examines energy efficiency as a least-cost strategy to reduce greenhouse gases and air pollution, and meet energy needs in the power sector.
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38 Senators Sign-on In Support of SEP and WAP
NASEO was able to get 38 U.S. Senators to to sign on in support of the Reed-Collins "Dear Colleague" letter in support of FY'17 funding for the U.S. State Energy Program ($70M) and Weatherization Assistance Program ($230M).
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Transportation Funding Opportunity and EV Decal
The U.S. Department of Transportation announced $500 million will be made available for transportation projects across the country under and eighth round of the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) competitive grant program.
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DOE Announces $21 Million to Lower Solar Energy Deployment Barriers
The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced $21 million in new funding to lower solar energy deployment barriers and expand access to solar energy to all Americans.
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Governors Announce Bipartisan Accord for a New Energy Future
A bipartisan group of 17 governors today signed the Governors’ Accord for a New Energy Future - a joint commitment to take action to promote clean energy, clean transportation choices, a modern electrical grid, and plan for a new energy future.
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Sign 2017 All Parties Letter and Register for LIHEAP Action Day
The National Energy and Utility Affordability Coalition (NEUAC) invites you to sign the 2017 All Parties Letter and register for the 2016 LIHEAP Action Day.
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Detailed Budget Comparison and Highlights from the President's FY'17 Budget Request
On Tuesday, February 9, 2016, President Obama released his FY'17 Budget Request.
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Transportation Energy Partners to Host Energy Independence Summit on February 7-9 in Washington, DC.
Transporation Energy Partners will be hosting the Energy Independence Summit on February 7-9 in Washington, DC. This summit will provide a unique opportunity for Clean Cities Coalitions and leaders in the clean transportation industry to network and build partnerships with each other, and with key Congressional and Administration policymakers in Washington, DC.
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DOE Releases State Energy Code Savings Calculator
In an effort to pursue greater energy efficiency in residential and commercial buildings, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) encourages the development, adoption, and implementation of model energy codes.
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President Obama and Bill Gates Announce Investments in Clean Energy Research
The United States and 19 other countries on Monday promised to work toward doubling their spending over five years to support "clean energy" research.
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DOE Releases Visualization Tool for Energy Infrastructure Exposure to Storm Surge and Sea-Level Rise
Recently, DOE's Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability released an interactive tool to communicate the results of its pilot study, which assessed the impacts of sea level rise on energy infrastructure.
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DOE Seeking State and City Partners to Improve Building Energy Performance Data Management
Throughout the US, state and local governments are implementing policies or voluntary programs that track building performance data to better understand market trends and identify energy investment opportunities.
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Renew Financial Acquires EcoCity to Expand PACE Financing
Renew Financial recently announced that it acquired EcoCity Partners, a leading Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program administrator.
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Renovate America Raises $90 Million For Home Energy Efficiency
Renovate America recently raised $90 million for projects including solar arrays and a growing number of technologies to curb water consumption.
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DOE Announces $34 Million to Improve the Nation's Energy Infrastructure
On October 9, 2015, DOE awarded more than $34 million to the Universities of Arkansas and Illinois to improve the U.S. electric grid and oil and natural gas infrastructure.
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DOE Releases Sector-Specific Appendices to the QER
DOE recently published four sector-specific appendices under the first installment of the Quadrennial Energy Review (QER).
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SEE Action Releases Residential Retrofit Report, A Policymaker's Guide to Scaling Home Energy Upgrades
SEE Action, DOE's State and Local Energy Efficiency Network, recently released its residential retrofit report, A Policymaker's Guide to Scaling Home Energy Upgrades.
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DOE's State and Regional Energy Risk Profiles Now Available
DOE's Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability has made available State and Regional Energy Risk Profiles, which highlight energy infrastructure trends and impacts.
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DOE Releases Winter Heating Fuels and Electricity Markets Report
DOE's Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability conducted an analysis of fuel and electricity sectors during the winters of 2013-2015 on market behavior and performance.
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Supreme Court Hears Arguments about FERC "Demand-Response" Rule on Electricity Use at Peak Demand
On October 14, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on FERC's "demand-response" rule requiring power users to be paid for scaling back electricity during peak demand.
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Amazon Moving Forward on Accommack Solar Farm
A solar energy farm on the Eastern Shore could be the catalyst that jump-starts Virginia’s clean energy industry, Governor Terry McAuliffe said Monday.
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IMT and ICC Present the 2015 Standard Bearers Awards
IMT and ICC honored the winners of the 2015 Standard Bearers Awards for Excellence in Energy Code Compliance, in front of a packed audience at ICC's Awards Luncheon.
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Tesla Battery Units to Power Office Buildings to Free Up Energy Grid During Peak Hours in California
Real estate developer The Irvine Company announced its plans to create hybrid-electric office buildings that are powered by Tesla's batteries in California.
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White House Announces Actions to Bring Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency to Households Nationwide
The White House recently announced a set of executive actions and private sector commitments to accelerate America's transition to cleaner sources of energy.
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DOE Releases Common Definition of Zero Energy Buildings, Campuses, and Communities
The U.S. Department of Energy reached a significant milestone by releasing a common definition for a zero energy building, also known as "net zero energy" or "zero net energy."
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FHA and DOE Partnership will Provide Flexible Underwriting that Considers Home Energy Costs
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) recently announced its new partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to help borrowers using FHA's Energy Efficient Home program to take advantage of energy cost savings when measured by DOE's Home Energy Score.
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DOE Seeks State Input on 2018 Energy Code Development
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released its draft proposals for the 2018 IECC. In addition, DOE will conduct a series of events for stakeholders in preparation for the 2018 IECC development cycle.
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Updating State Energy Codes for New Homes Would Deliver Significant National Savings, NIST Reports
The National Institute of Standards and Technology launched its new database software, Building Industry Reporting and Design for Sustainability, to measure the energy and cost performance of newly constructed homes. It also reported that if every state in the nation adopted up-to-date residential energy efficiency codes, the savings over a decade would total approximately 2.4 billion kilowatt hours.
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Explore DOE Building Technologies Office Projects in Your State Using New Projects Map
The Building Technologies Office (BTO) works with a vast network of public and private partners to develop and deliver new technologies and practices, accelerate existing solutions to scale, and lock in energy savings for years to come through building energy codes and appliance and equipment standards. To highlight these projects and partnerships, BTO has developed a Projects Map.
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USGBC Study Finds Green Construction is Major U.S. Economic Driver
According to a new USGBC study, the national green building sector of the U.S. construction industry is slated to contribute 2.3 million jobs in 2015, growing to 3.3 million by 2018.
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U.S. DOE Releases 2015 Quadrennial Technology Review
On September 10, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy John Holdren and Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz released the 2015 Quadrennial Technology Review (QTR) in Washington, DC.
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New Proposed Federal Efficiency Standard for Rechargeable Products
A new proposal for federal energy efficiency standards for products with rechargeable batteries was announced this week. These standards - already in effect for products in California and Oregon - would have the potential to save consumers nationwide more than $2 billion off their utility bills and avoid 12 million metric tons of carbon pollution annually.
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Congressman Tonko Reintroduces SEP and WAP Reauthorization in the House
On July 29, Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY), reintroduced legislation (H.R. 3420) to "reauthorize the weatherization and State Energy Programs." The bill reauthorizes the Weatherization Assistance Program at $450 million per year for FY2016 through FY2020 and the State Energy Program at $75 million per year for FY2016 through FY2020.
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Senator Murkowski Releases Report on Benefits of Crude Oil Exports to the Great Lakes Region
On July 29, Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) released a report on the potential benefits of domestic crude oil exports to the Great Lakes region in support of her efforts to end the current ban on U.S. crude oil exports.
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Senate Energy Committee Adopts Amendments Supporting Improved Energy Efficiency and Enhanced National Security
The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources this recently adopted three amendments introduced by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) as part of the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2015.
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FERC Proposes Revisions to CIP New Reliability Standards
On July 16, 2015, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a proposal designed to improve the cyber security of the bulk electric system.
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National Institute of Building Sciences Issues Call for Entries Recognizing High-Performance Buildings
The National Institute of Building Sciences Sustainable Buildings Industry Council (SBIC) recently issued a Call for Entries for its 2015 Beyond Green High-Performance Building and Community Awards. The Beyond Green Awards are given to recognize projects and activities that contribute to making high-performing, resilient buildings and communities.
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DOE Issues Pre-pubication Final Rule on Grid-Enabled Water Heaters
On Aug. 4, 2015, DOE issued a pre-publication final rule regarding grid-enabled water heaters. Since 1990, residential water heater manufacturers have been required to comply with DOE energy conservation rules. This final rule sets definitions and standards relating to grid-enabled water heaters.
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DOE's Building Technologies Office Seeks Information on High-Performance Tenant Spaces
The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Building Technologies Office recently released a request for information seeking stakeholder input on the design and construction of tenant spaces that achieve high levels of energy efficiency in commercial buildings.
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Global Market for Building Commissioning Services Expected to Total Nearly $50 Billion from 2014 to 2024, According to Navigant Research
A recent report from Navigant Research examines the global market for building optimization and commissioning services, including global market forecasts, segmented by service type, building type, and region, through 2024.
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Building Owners and Managers Association Updates Energy Performance Contracting Model
In response to a rebounding commercial real estate industry and a renewed interest in energy retrofits, the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International has gathered a team of experts—representing commercial real estate companies, energy service providers and the financial sector—to create a contracting model for use by building owners to remove the uncertainty and risk of performing deep retrofits.
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Ygrene Energy Fund Completes $150 Million Securitization of PACE Bonds Underscoring Investor Appetite for New Asset Class
Ygrene Energy Fund Inc., the leading provider of residential and commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing, recently announced the completion of a $150 million private securitization transaction with a large insurance partner by issuing Class A notes rated AA by Kroll Bond Rating Agency with a 97% advance rate.
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EPA Releases Final Clean Power Plan Rule
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the final Clean Power Plan rule on August 3, 2015, along with a proposed federal plan and model rules. Also finalized were the New Source Performance Standards for new, modified, and reconstructed fossil electric generating units.
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WHEEL Achieves Major Milestone - First Securitization of Single Family Residential Energy Efficiency Loans
Citigroup Inc. and Renew Financial have issued a fresh class of asset-backed securities, based on a pool of residential energy efficiency loans. The issue marks a first-of-its-kind in additional securities, slated to be issued later by these parties, in association with the Warehouse for Energy Efficiency Loans ("WHEEL")...
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Senate Energy and Intelligence Committee Submits Letter on U.S. Energy Renaissance
On July 14, 2015, Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, and Richard Burr (R-NC), chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, sent a letter to James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, in support of the intelligence community' assessment of the geopolitical and international security impacts surrounding current domestic energy renaissance.
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Senators Coons and Moran Reintroduce Bill to Level the Playing Field for Renewables
U.S. Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Representatives Ted Poe (R-TX-02) and Mike Thompson (D-CA-05) re-introduced bipartisan legislation to level the energy playing field by giving investors in renewable energy projects access to a structure whose tax advantage is currently available only to investors in fossil fuel-based energy projects.
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From Energy Star to Tenant Star: The Next Frontier in Building Efficiency
Through the Energy Efficiency Improvement Act of 2015, a notable portion of the bill directed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to creat a tenant-focused version of EPA's very successful Energy Star for buildings program, which is being hailded by a wide range of industry stakeholders as the next great tool for driving energy savings in commercial buildings.
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RGGI Brings Billions in Net Benefits-Analysis
The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative has generated $1.3 billion in net economic benefits across nine participating states, according to a new report from the Analysis Group at NARUC's summer meeting in New York.
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States Work To Improve Energy Efficiency Of Multifamily Buildings
Improving the energy efficiency of multifamily buildings can help states reduce consumers’ energy costs, strengthen electricity system reliability and lower emissions, according to a report released today by the National Governors Association (NGA).
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Hawaii Administrator Glick Testifies in Support of Renewable Energy Goals
On July 14, 2015, Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) and Administrator Mark Glick testified before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, on the importance of island energy systems and statewide renewable energy goals.
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Webinar on Industrial Energy Efficiency and the CPP: Tools for States
Industrial energy efficiency can make manufacturers more competitive, enhance electric reliability, and reduce emissions. EPA has signaled that states can look to industrial efficiency as one way to meet their emission targets under the proposed Clean Power Plan.
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Democratic Senators Send Letter to Governors Seeking Energy Policy Input
In late June, 45 Senate Democrats signed onto a letter that was sent to all 50 governors seeking feedback about the first substantial national energy policy action since the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act.
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U.S. DOE Releases Industrial Energy Efficiency Barriers Report
Pursuant to the American Energy Manufacturing Technical Corrections Act, the U.S. Department of Energy released Barriers to Industrial Energy Efficiency.
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U.S. DOE Launches New Industrial Assessment Center Website
The U.S. Department of Energy launched a new website for its nationwide network of 24 university-based Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs).
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Manufacturers, Energy Efficiency Advocates Agree on New Standards for Commercial Rooftop Air Conditioners and Warm Air Furnaces
A Department of Energy-established working group of manufacturers, utilities, contractors, energy efficiency advocates, and environmental groups came to a consensus agreementrecommending new energy efficiency standards, test procedures, and metrics for commercial package air conditioners (commonly called “rooftop units”) and commercial warm air furnaces.
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USDA Begins Accepting Applications from States for $100 Million Biofuels Infrastructure Partnership
Following a recent announcement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) announced that all 50 states, Puerto Rico and Washington, DC may apply for up to $100 million in grants under the Biofuels Infrastructure Partnership (BIP).
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DOE Issues Determination of Energy Savings for Residential Buildings
DOE recently published a Notice of Determination for the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), affirming that the updated code will result in energy savings in residential buildings. The DOE analysis indicates that buildings meeting the 2015 IECC would result in national residential building energy savings of approximately 1 percent.
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White House Hosts Summit Announcing $4 Billion to Fight Climate Change and Reduce Carbon Emissions
The White House, Office of Science and Technology Policy, hosts a Clean Energy Investment Summit announcing $4 billion in independent commitments by major foundations, institutional investors, and others to fund innovative solutions to help fight climate change and reduce carbon emissions.
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EPA Releases New State Best Practices Guide for Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, and Combined Heat and Power
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released an updated Energy and Environment Guide to Action: State Policies and Best Practices for Advancing Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, and Combined Heat and Power that provides detailed information on over a dozen proven policy and program types being pursued by states to address their energy, environmental, and economic objectives.
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Boston, New York City, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington D.C. Rank as America's Most Energy-Efficient U.S. Cities
Mayors and local lawmakers in America's largest cities continue to take innovative steps to lower energy costs for consumers and businesses, increase their resilience, and reduce pollution through increased energy efficiency, according to the 2nd edition of the City Energy Efficiency Scorecard, released today by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE).
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DOE's Alternative Fuels Data Center Provides State-Specific Fuel and Vehicle Data at Your Fingertips
Have you ever pored over Internet search results on a quest to find information about alternative fuels and advanced vehicles in your state—only to end up frustrated or confused?
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DOE Seeks Input on 2018 IECC Development
The DOE Building Energy Codes Program mission supports the development and implementation of model building energy codes and standards to achieve the maximum practicable and cost-effective improvements in energy efficiency, while providing safe, healthy buildings for occupants.
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USDA Invests in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects in Wyoming
During a recent visit to Wyoming , Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that USDA is investing in several energy efficiency and renewable energy projects throughout the state.
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DOE Releases Request for Information throught its Office of Technology Transitions
The U.S. Department of Energy's new Office of Technology Transitions (OTT) has just released a Request for Information (RFI). OTT seeks input from private and public sector stakeholders on opportunities to enhance the commercial impact of DOE's $10+ billion portfolio of Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment (RDD&D) activities...
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Senator Murkowski Applauds House Efforts to Highlight Importance of Crude Oil Exports
U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), recently welcomed the House Foreign Affairs Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade Subcommittee's decision to hold a hearing on the importance of ending the 40-year-old prohibition on exporting crude oil from the United States.
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U.S. DOE Hosts Briefing on QER and Summary of Key Recommendations
On April 24, 2015, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) conducted a briefing on the recently released first installment of the Quadrennial Energy Review (QER) which focuses on the transmission, storage, and distribution infrastructure that links energy supplies to intermediate and end-users.
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U.S. EIA to Release 2015 Annual Energy Outlook
The U.S. Energy Information Administration recently announced that it will release its Annual Energy Outlook 2015 (AEO2015) which presents long-term projections of energy supply, demand, and prices through 2040 in the near term. The analysis focuses on: Reference, Low and High Economic Growth, Low and High Oil Price, and High Oil and Gas Resource.
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U.S. DOT Announces Final Rule to Strengthen Oil Shipments by Rail
On May 1, 2015, the U.S. Department of Transportation issued the final rule, "Enhanced Tank Car Standards and Operational Controls for High-Hazard Flammable Trains."
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NREL Releases Report on CNG and Fleets
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory recently released the report, "Building a Business Case for Compressed Natural Gas in Fleet Applications," which helps readers assess the various aspects of a new CNG vehicle and fueling infrastructure project to determine viability.
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U.S. DOE Invests $6 Million to Increase Energy Efficiency of Schools, Offices, Stores and other U.S. Buildings
The U.S. Department of Energy's Building Technologies Office's Commercial Buildings Integration Program recently announced nearly $6 million to accelerate energy efficiency in offices, schools and other buildings to help businesses and communities save money, create jobs, and reduce pollution.
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Calculator Finds Emissions Reduction Impacts of Building Codes
The Alliance to Save Energy and the Energy Efficient Codes Coalition recently announced the release of a landmark calculator that state air quality offices can utilize to estimate the carbon emission savings from state adoption and enforcement of the most recent building energy codes.
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Senator Murkowski Introduces Bill to Increase Alaska's Share of Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Revenues
U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) took a step to ensure that Alaska receives its share of revenue from oil and natural gas production on Alaska's outer continental shelf by introducing the Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Lease Sale Act.
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HUD and USDA Release Final Determination of 2009 IECC
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have determined that adoption of the 2009 edition of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) for single family homes and the 2007 edition of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 90.1 for multifamily buildings will not negatively affect the affordability and availability of certain HUD- and USDA-assisted housing specified in section 481 of the Energy and Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA).
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Businesses and Pentagon Pursue Climate Change Strategies
According to a 2014 report issued by Ceres, the World Wildlife Fund, Calvert Investments, and David Gardiner and Associates, more than 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies have set business targets aimed at reducing greenhouse gas, improving energy efficiency, or procuring more renewable energy.
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Efficiency Valuation Organization Appoints Deborah Miller as Executive Director
The Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO), non-profit owner of the globally-recognized International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) and developer of training programs for the professional Measurement & Verification (M&V) of energy efficiency savings, today announced the appointment of Deborah E. Miller to the role of Executive Director.
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NATO and Partners to Become Smarter on Energy
Reducing fuel consumption in the military has become an operational imperative: not only can it save money, it will also save soldiers’ lives, as well as improve the mobility and endurance of military forces. Enhancing the energy efficiency of the armed forces is one of NATO’s priorities in the field of energy security.
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PJM Board Names Andrew Ott as New PJM President and Chief Executive Officer
Andrew L. Ott will become PJM Interconnection’s new president and CEO later this year, the PJM Board of Managers announced recently. Ott presently is PJM’s executive vice president of Markets. Current PJM CEO Terry Boston had announced his plans to retire on Dec. 31, 2015.
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DOE's Building Energy Codes Program Releases Report, “Achieving Energy Savings and Emission Reductions from Building Energy Codes: A Primer for State Planning.”
The Building Energy Codes Program of the Department of Energy recently released a new report, “Achieving Energy Savings and Emission Reductions from Building Energy Codes: A Primer for State Planning.”
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U.S. DOE Releases First Installment of Quadrennial Energy Review
Over the past year, NASEO and other organizations have worked with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on the development of the first Federal Quadrennial Energy Review (QER), issued last week.
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Senate Passes Water Heaters, Buildings Bill
On March 27, the U.S. Senate passed an energy efficiency bill - essentially a "mini Shaheen-Portman" - aimed at protecting rural energy-savings programs and encouraging tenants and landlords to work together to reduce their energy use.
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President Obama Orders Cuts in Federal Greenhouse Gas Emissions
President Obama signed an Executive Order to cut the Federal Government's greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent from 2008 levels, saving taxpayers $18 billion in energy costs. The initiative increases the share of electricity the Federal Government uses from renewable sources to 30 percent by 2025.
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House Energy and Power Subcommittee Chairman Whitfield Releases Draft of Ratepayer Protection Act of 2015
Energy and Power Subcommittee Chairman Ed Whitfield recently unveiled a discussion draft of the Ratepayer Protection Act of 2015, which would empower states to protect households and businesses from EPA's proposed rule regulating carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants.
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The U.S. Department of Energy Announces Competition, "SunShot Prize: Race to 7-Day Solar"
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy SunShot Initiative, the SunShot Prize: Race to 7-Day Solar aims to motivate local governments, communities, solar companies and electric utilities to collaborate towards improving the “going solar” experience from permit to plug-in for all Americans.
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U.S. Senators and House Members Sign Letters of Support for SEP and WAP
Thirty-six U.S. Senators and 79 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives the sent letters in support of SEP and WAP to their colleagues on key appropriations committees.
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Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2015 Introduced
On March 11, Senators Portman and Shaheen reintroduced their energy efficiency bill, the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2015.
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SEP and WAP Bipartisan Reauthorization Legislation Introduced
On March 11, a bi-partisan group of Senators reintroduced a bill to reauthorize the State Energy Program and the Weatherization Assistance Program. The press release was offered by the sponsors: Senators Coons (D-DE), Collins (R-ME), Reed (D-RI) and Shaheen (D-NH).
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Citi Announces $100 Billion, 10-Year Commitment to Finance Sustainable Growth
Citi recently announced a landmark commitment to lend, invest and facilitate a total of $100 billion within the next 10 years to finance activities in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors.
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Recent Report Suggests EPA's Clean Power Plan Will Not Compromise the Reliability of U.S. Power System
The design and implementation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Power Plan, which is intended to reduce the U.S. electric system's CO2 emissions by 30 percent from 2005 levels by 2030, will not compromise the reliability of the U.S. power system, according to a study by Analysis Group energy experts.
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DOE and NREL Release Protocols for Efficiency Savings Under its Uniform Methods Project
The U.S. Department of Energy and its National Renewable Energy Laboratory have published additional protocols for estimating energy savings for residential and commercial energy efficiency programs and measures.
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White House Announces Initiative to Scale Up Investment in Clean Energy Innovation
The Obama Administration is launching a Clean Energy Investment Initiative and announcing a goal to catalyze $2 billion of expanded private sector investment in solutions to climate change, including innovative technologies with breakthrough potential to reduce carbon pollution.
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Detailed Budget Comparison and DOE Budget Request Highlights for the President's FY’16 Budget Request Now Available
On, Monday, February 2, 2015, President Obama released his FY'16 Budget Request.
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The Climate Group's Compact of States and Regions Webinar
Please join the The Climate Group on February 25 at 1:00 pm ET for its Compact of States and Regions webinar.
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Habitat for Humanity Releases 2015 Shelter Report on Energy Efficiency
Habitat for Humanity recently released its 2015 Shelter Report, which focuses on improving energy efficiency among lower-income households.
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The Regulatory Assistance Project Releases Two Papers Relating to 111(d)
The Regulatory Assistance Project recently released two papers relating to 111(d): "It's Not a SIP: Opportunities and Implications for State 111(d) Compliance Planning" and "Driving Energy Efficiency: Applying a Mobile Source Analogy to Quantify Avoided Emissions."
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Committee on Energy and Commerce Releases Framework to Build the Architecture of Abundance
The House Energy and Commerce Committee recently released a framework for a comprehensive energy package to advance its Architecture of Abundance agenda, by preparing a series of discussion drafts to address four key policy areas: modernizing infrastructure, a 21st century energy workforce, energy diplomacy, and efficiency and accountability.
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DOE Building Energy Codes Program to Host National Energy Codes Conference March 23-26, 2015, in Nashville, TN
The DOE Building Energy Codes Program will host a national energy codes conference March 23-26, 2015 in Nashville, Tennessee, and will be the first national conference dedicated solely to energy codes since 2011.
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EPA Finance Center Targets Water Infrastructure Improvements and Resiliency
Through its recently launched Water Infrastructure and Resiliency Finance Center, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency aims to help communities across the country improve their wastewater treatment, drinking water supply and stormwater conveyance systems.
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GWC Governors Suggest Ways to Develop Wind Energy Resources to President Obama
In a recent letter to President Obama, South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard and Washington Governor Jay Inslee, the chairman and vice chairman of the Governors' Wind Energy Coalition, urged the President to take steps to expand the nation's wind energy development.
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EPA Announces Mid-Summer Target for Finalizing Power Plant Rules
On Wednesday, January 7, 2015, EPA announced that it plans to issue a final Clean Power Plan and final standards for new, reconstructed, and modified plants by mid-summer of 2015.
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EESI Releases Fact Sheet on Jobs in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) recently released a fact sheet, which focuses on employment in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors in the United States and around the world.
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FERC to Host Series of Technical Conferences on EPA’s Clean Power Plan
On February 19, 2015, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) will host the first of a series of technical conferences to discuss implications of compliance approaches to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan proposed rule.
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EPA to Assist Water Utilities in Climate Resilience and Readiness
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently launched its Climate Ready Water Utilities (CRWU) initiative, which assists the water sector, including drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities, in addressing climate change challenges and impacts.
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Notice of Delay in Issuing 2014 Standards for the Renewable Fuel Standard Program
A notice announcing that the Agency will not be finalizing 2014 volume standards under the Renewable Fuel Standard program before the end of 2014 was just recently issued.
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USDA Launches Energy Efficiency Program Loans in Arkansas and North Carolina
The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently announced it has funded two loans in Arkansas and North Carolina under the new Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program, designed to help consumers reduce energy bills through energy efficiency improvements and renewable energy systems.
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EIA Releases Updated Data for Winter Heating Fuels
The U.S. Energy Information Administration recently recently winter heating fuels data, including information on propane, heating oil, natural gas, and electricity.
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EPA Releases Guidance to Improve Schools’ Indoor Air Quality and Energy Efficiency
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released new guidance to help school districts protect indoor air quality while increasing energy efficiency during school renovations.
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EIA Launches Expanded Winter Heating Fuels Data Program for Winter 2014-15
EIA is expanding the State Heating Oil and Propane Program (SHOPP) this winter heating season. SHOPP is a joint effort between EIA and participating states to collect weekly residential heating oil and propane price data.
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DOE Announces SEP FY'14 Competitive Awards
On October 14, 2014, DOE announced the U.S. State Energy Program (SEP) Competitive State Awardees for FY'14. Approximately $5 million will go to 13 State Energy Offices and their partners.
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DOE Proposes New Efficiency Standards for Rooftop Air Conditioning Energy Use
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently proposed new efficiency standards today that would slash commercial rooftop air conditioner energy use by about 30%. The proposed standards would achieve the largest national energy savings of any standard ever issued by DOE.
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IEEE Joint Task Force on QER Submits Final Report to DOE
On October 6, 2014, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) announced that the IEEE Joint Task Force on Quadrennial Energy Review (QER) submitted its final report to DOE on a specific set of priority issues.
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U.S. Court Upholds FERC Order 1000 Rule
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit recently upheld rules from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission calling on utilities to take various actions, including increased planning of large transmission projects.
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EPA Extends 111(d) Comment Period
In a letter to Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) on September 16, 2014, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) formally extended the period for public comment for the agency's draft Clean Power Plan rule under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. The new deadline for comments on the plan are due December 1, 2014.
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EIA Administrator Sieminski Reports on Propane Supplies
On September 12, 2014, EIA Administrator Adam Sieminski provided a briefing presentation on propane stocks. The level of stocks is being closely monitored for signs of secondary and tertiary inventory builds as the crop drying and winter heating season approaches.
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Fannie Mae Releases Report on Multifamily Energy Efficiency
Fannie Mae recently released a report entitled, "Transforming Multifamily Housing: Fannie Mae's Green Initiative and ENERGY STAR for Multifamily," which offers information on multifamily energy and water data.
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Fuels Institute Finds Alternative Fuel Vehicles Popularity is Determined by Fuel Economy
A new consumer survey carried out by the non-partisan think tank, Fuels Institute, which analyzes market issues in relation to fuels, and was founded by the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS), found that for consumers, the largest deciding factor when it comes to buying gasoline or alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs), is fuel economy.
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GlassPoint Solar Lands $53 Million Investment for Enhanced Oil Recovery Technology
GlassPoint Solar last week landed a $53 million investment from Royal Dutch Shell and the sovereign investment fund of Oman for its enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technology. In a twist of irony, GlassPont's technology runs on solar power, which produces steam to help pump more fossil fuel from conventional crude plays.
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Schultz – Bingaman Report Recommends Expansion of SEP
Former U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman and former Secretary of State George Schultz announced the release of The State Clean Energy Cookbook: A Dozen Recipes for State Action on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
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House Budget Committee Chairman Ryan Releases Anti-Poverty Plan that Includes LIHEAP and WAP
On July 24, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan released an anti-poverty proposal titled "Expanding Opportunity in America," which aims to consolidate up to 11 federal antipoverty programs into a single funding stream.
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DOE Releases Water-Energy Nexus Report
On June 18, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released a new report that frames an integrated challenge and opportunity space around the water-energy nexus for DOE and its partners, and also lays the foundation for future efforts.
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DOE’S ARPA-E Announces 13 New Projects at New York Energy Week
On June 19, DOE's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) announced $33 million in funding for 13 new projects aimed at developing transformational fuel cell technologies for low-cost distributed power generation.
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DOE Announces Microgrid Competition to Support Community Resiliency
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced the Microgrid 2014 MVP Challenge, a competition to support resiliency and adaptation in communities across the nation.
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Congressman Himes Unveils Bill to Boost Energy Efficiency in Multifamily Homes
Congressman Jim Himes (D-CT) recently introduced legislation seeking to increase energy efficiency in multifamily housing communities nationwide, reduce utility costs for residents and owners, and slash carbon emissions.
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Senate Passes Geothermal Production Expansion Act
On Wednesday, July 9, 2014, the U.S. Senate passed the Geothermal Production Expansion Act S.363 by unanimous consent.
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Senator Murkowski Calls for More Condensate Exports
On Wednesday, July 9, 2014, Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), the top Republican on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, released a new report calling for more condensate exports.
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FERC Approves First Settlement in 2011 Southwest Blackout Case
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved a stipulation and consent agreement stemming from the September 8, 2011, Southwest power blackout.
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U.S. House Appropriations Committee Releases Fiscal Year 2015 Interior and Environment Bill
On July 8, 2014, the House Appropriations Committee announced the fiscal year 2015 Interior and Environment Appropriation bill.
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President Nominates Deputy Secretary of Energy
President Obama announced on July 8, 2014, that he would nominate Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, who is currently the National Security Council’s top nuclear proliferation and defense policy official to be the new Deputy Secretary of Energy. Ms. Sherwood-Randall will replace Daniel Poneman who held the position for five years.
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President Signs Energy Bills Into Law
President Obama signed two energy bills into law recently. He signed both the Reliable Home Heating Act, S. 2086,and Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014, H.R. 3080.
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DOE Announces Microgrid Competition to Support Community Resiliency
Last week, the U.S. Department of Energy announced the Microgrid 2014 MVP Challenge, a competition to support resiliency and adaptation in communities across the nation.
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EPA Releases Draft Rule to Reduce Carbon Pollution from Existing Power Plants
On June 2, 2014, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the Clean Power Plan proposal.
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Senator Murkowski Releases White Paper on Energy and Water Interdependencies
On Tuesday, May 6, Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) released a white paper to promote her legislation to coordinate federal efforts related to the conservation of energy and water and how each depends on the other for production.
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The Security and Sustainability Forum to Host Renewable Energy Webinar Series
The Security and Sustainability Forum will be hosting a webinar series on renewable energy on institutional property, beginning June 2.
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EPA Publishes 19th Annual U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory
EPA recently released its 19th annual report of overall U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, showing a 3.4 percent decrease in 2012 from 2011.
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Senators Propose Utility Incentives to Detail Electricity Consumption
U.S. Senators Mark Udall (D-CO) and Ed Markey (D-MA) recently introduced a bill that would incentivize utilities to give customers more information about their electricity consumption. The incentives would come via the U.S. DOE's State Energy Program.
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House Introduces Legislation to Create Jobs and Increase Energy Efficiency
U.S. Representatives Mike Thompson (D-CA-5), Pete King (R-NY-2), and Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY-18) recently introduced the bipartisan Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Assessment Protection Act of 2014 to help spur local job creation and increase energy efficiency.
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Secretary Moniz Testifies on Fy'15 DOE Budget Request
On Wednesday, April 2, U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz outlined a range of budget request priorities, including plans for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and advanced research.
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DOE Convenes Series of Public Meetings on the Quadrennial Energy Review
On Friday, April 11, the U.S. Department of Energy will begin a series of public stakeholder meetings on the Quadrennial Energy Review (QER), which was established by the President earlier this year.
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New Resources Available for Farm Bill Energy Programs
The Environmental Law & Policy Center (ELPC) has developed a variety of resources to help better understand the rural clean energy development opportunities available in the new Farm Bill's Energy Title.
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EPA's Annual Battle of the Buildings--Registration Opens April 16, 2014
Registration for EPA’s 2014 ENERGY STAR National Building Competition: Team Challenge opens April 16 and for the first time ever, groups of five or more buildings can compete as teams.
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120 Congressional Members Exhibit Strong Support for SEP and WAP
Forty Senators and Eighty House members recently signed on to letters in support of State Energy Program (SEP) and Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) funding for fiscal year 2015.
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House Passes Energy Efficiency Improvement Act of 2014
On Wednesday, March 5, Republican and Democratic members of the House joined to pass the Energy Efficiency Improvement Act of 2014 (HR 2126), sponsored by Representatives David McKinley (R-WV) and Peter Welch (D-VT).
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EPA Sets Tier 3 Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards
The EPA is finalizing an important rule designed to reduce air pollution from passenger cars and trucks. Starting in 2017, Tier 3 sets new vehicle emissions standards and lowers the sulfur content of gasoline, considering the vehicle and its fuel as an integrated system.
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Senator Inhofe Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Incentivize Natural Gas Vehicles
Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK), senior member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, recently introduced with Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) the Alternative Fuel Vehicle Development Act, a bill that would incentivize the production and purchase of alternative fuel and natural gas vehicles.
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Pentagon Calls Climate Change a "Threat Multiplier"
On Tuesday, March 4, the Pentagon released its Quadrennial Defense Review, which says climate change is a “threat multiplier” and critical component of future defense strategy.
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Deutsche Bank Sells First Homowner Energy Efficiency Securities
Deutsche Bank AG (DBK) sold the first securities backed by bonds tied to U.S. energy-saving projects in a deal that follows a federal agency’s objections to the underlying homeowner borrowing.
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GSA Green Building Advisory Committee Nominations Due March 14
The Administrator of the U.S. General Services Administration established the Green Building Advisory Committee on June 20, 2011 (76 FR 35894) pursuant to Section 494 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (42 U.S.C. 17123, or EISA), in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), as amended (5 U.S.C. App. 2). As the original 2-year commitments of the previously appointed members of the Committee have expired, this notice solicits additional qualified candidates for membership.
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NHTSA Seeks Comments on Alternative Fuel Vehicle Labeling Rule
NHTSA is proposing to require badges, labels and owner's manual information for new passenger cars, low speed vehicles (LSVs) and light-duty trucks rated at not more than 8,500 pounds gross vehicle weight in order to increase consumer awareness regarding the use and benefits of alternative fuels.
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President Obama Releases FY'15 Budget Request
On Tuesday, March 4, 2014, President Obama released his FY'15 Budget Request, which covers major U.S. Department of Energy Programs.
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Senator Coons Reintroduces Bill to Extend Energy Efficiency Programs
U.S. Senators Chris Coons (D-Del.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), and Jack Reed (D-R.I.) reintroduced updated legislation recently to strengthen and reauthorize the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and State Energy Program (SEP), two of the federal government’s most successful and long-standing energy efficiency initiatives.
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House and Senate Urge President’s Support for SEP and WAP Funding in FY’15
In February, 80 House and Senate members encouraged the President’s support for the U.S. State Energy Program and Weatherization Assistance Program in his Fiscal Year 2015 budget proposal. Specifically they urged robust funding for SEP and a restoration of WAP to pre-Recovery Act levels.
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President Obama Signs Farm Bill
President Obama recently signed the bipartisan Farm Bill, saying it will provide more money for research into the environment and energy.
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IMT and NRDC Launch City Energy Project with 10 U.S. Cities
IMT and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) announced the City Energy Project, a multiyear partnership between our two nonprofit groups and 10 leading American cities. Working together, the City Energy Project and participating cities will ramp up energy efficiency in their communities’ buildings, cutting expensive energy waste and reducing harmful carbon pollution.
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Southeastern Utilities Complete MISO Integration
Recently, utilities in Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi, Missouri and Texas officially became a part the Midcontinent Independent Transmission System Operator (MISO). This grid integration – the largest ever – is anticipated to streamline grid management activities and promote grid reliability and efficiency through coordinated dispatch and regional planning efforts. In 2012, an independent industry analysis projected $1.4 billion in savings over a 10-year period as a result of the integration.
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EIA Launches Tool Showing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Wells Across the U.S.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) expanded its U.S. energy mapping system tool to include the location of producing crude oil and natural gas wells developed across the United States. The new feature is the first of its kind, and allows users to see most crude oil and natural gas wells developed in the United States.
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U.S. Propane Shortage Hits Millions in Brutal Freeze
Millions of Americans are feeling the pinch of a propane shortage as brutal cold exposes the supply vulnerabilities of a fuel that heats homes, schools and businesses across wide swathes of the United States.
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Murkowski Releases White Paper on U.S. Energy Export Policy
On January 7, Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) released a white paper on U.S. energy export policy,"A Signal to the World: Renovating the Architecture of U.S. Energy Exports." This paper seeks to educate and recommend on the surges in energy exports, which are remaking the global energy trade.
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Markey and 23 Senators Push for Energy Tax Incentives Extension
On December 16, Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and 23 of his Senate colleagues asked the leaders of the Senate Finance Committee to renew vital clean energy tax incentives that are facing expiration. The letter outlines 10 key tax credits that deserve permanent or longer-term extensions.
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Ford Develops Solar Powered Car for Everyday Use
Ford has developed a concept model, the C-MAX Solar Energi Concept, that runs primarily on solar power, which could bring the world one step closer to having a vehicle for everyday driving that is not dependent on traditional energy sources.
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EPC Updates QECB Report
The Energy Programs Consortium (EPC) released a new version of its Qualified Energy Conservation Bond (QECB) Issue Brief, which provides an update on recent guidance released by the U.S. Treasury, as well as new and noteworthy QECB issuances in states and localities.
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EPA Proposes 2014 Renewable Fuel Standards, 2015 Biomass-Based Diesel Volume
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released a proposal which discusses a variety of approaches for setting the 2014 standards, and includes a number of production and consumption ranges for key categories of biofuel covered by the RFS program.
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DOE Launches Alternative Fueling Station Locator App
As part of the Obama Administration's commitment to expand access to data and give consumers more transportation options that save money at the pump, the Energy Department today launched a new mobile app to help drivers find stations that provide alternative fuel for vehicles.
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Solar and Energy Efficiency Securitization Emerge
Organizations throughout the nation are beginning to securitize solar and energy efficiency loans to allow greater levels of investment. Securitization involves pooling loans to create consolidated securities that investors can purchase. Recently, SolarCity securitized $54.4 million in loans for solar photovoltaic installations. Also, the Green Jobs – Green New York program has achieved a high bond rating for securitized energy efficiency loans.
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Obama Names Acting Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
President Barack Obama has named Cheryl A. LaFleur Acting Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Since joining the Commission in July 2010, Acting Chairman LaFleur has focused attention on strengthening reliability and grid security, promoting regional transmission planning, and supporting a clean and diverse power supply.
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DOE Building Technologies Office Releases 2013 Peer Review Report
The Building Technologies Office (BTO) recently releaseded a report which summarizes the results of BTO’s first comprehensive Peer Review. Held in Washington, D.C., in April 2013, the report captures comments and scores for 59 BTO-funded technology and market deployment projects in both the residential and commercial buildings sectors.
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Presidential Memorandum Calls for Federal Leadership on Energy Management
In order to create a clean energy economy that will increase our Nation's prosperity, promote energy security, combat climate change, protect the interests of taxpayers, and safeguard the health of our environment, the Federal Government must lead by example. During the Obama Administration, Federal agencies have reduced their annual greenhouse gas emissions by more than 15 percent (7.8 million metric tons) -- the equivalent of removing 1.5 million cars from the road.
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FY'13 State Energy Competitive Awards Announced
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the U.S. State Energy Program (SEP) Competitive State Awardees for FY'13. Nearly $5 million went to 16 states to increase statewide energy savings, boost the energy efficiency of public institutions, local governments, and industrial sectors, and develop clean energy manufacturing roadmaps.
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ACEEE Releases Efficiency Scorecard: Massachusetts Most Energy Efficient State
Under ACEEE's State Scorecard, top 10 states for energy efficiency are: Massachusetts, California, New York, Oregon, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, Maryland, and Illinois.
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Buildings Key in U.S. Climate Push Thanks to Architecture's 'Persuader in Chief'
Getting off at the wrong subway stop may have been the best thing that ever happened to the guru of energy-saving architecture.
Ed Mazria, who's now 72 years old, had just finished high school and was heading from Brooklyn to an unfamiliar part of the city to play in a basketball scrimmage in front of New York City-area college recruiters...
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Udalls Introduce New Energy Production Bill
U.S. Senators Tom Udall (D-NM) and Mark Udall (D-CO) have introduced legislation that would require utilities to generate 25 percent of their power from wind, solar and other renewable energy sources by 2025.
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DOE's Uniform Methods Project
DOE and NREL are seeking input on the latest measurement and verification protocols for evaluating energy savings for the most common residential and commercial measures and programs offered by ratepayer-funded efficiency programs in the United Sates.
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Webcast Demonstration: EISPC Energy Zones Mapping Tool
A free one-hour EISPC Energy Zone Mapping Tool demonstration webcast will be presented on Tuesday, November 12, at 3pm ET/2 pm CT/1 pm MT.
Attend the webinar to experience the value this tool offers to States and stakeholders for clean energy resource analysis and transmission planning...
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President Obama Signs Climate Executive Order to Prepare the U.S. for Climate Impacts
On Friday, November 1, 2013, President Obama signed an Executive Order that calls on local governments, businesses, and individuals to, “improve climate preparedness and resilience; help safeguard our economy, infrastructure, environment, and natural resources; and provide for the continuity of executive department and agency operations, services, and programs...
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Energy Department Announces $60 Million to Drive Affordable, Efficient Solar Power
Building on President Obama's plan to cut carbon pollution and support energy innovation, Energy Secretary Moniz announced $60 million to help lower solar electricity costs, advance grid integration, and support a growing U.S. solar workforce.
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UPDATED: EPA Public Sessions on Reducing Carbon Pollution from Existing Power Plants
EPA will hold 11 public listening sessions to solicit ideas and input from the public and stakeholders about Clean Air Act approaches to reducing carbon pollution from existing power plants.
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NEEP Releases Regional Operations and Maintenance Guide: Strategies for creating green, healthy & energy efficient existing schools and public buildings in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic
The Regional Operations and Maintenance Guide for Schools and Public Buildings in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic (O&M Guide) has been developed by NEEP and regional stakeholders for use in any existing schools and public buildings in the regions.
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IRS Issues Guidance on QECBs: Effect of Sequestration
Under the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, refund payments to state filers claiming refundable credits under section 6431 of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to certain qualified bonds are subject to sequestration...
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Obama's Climate Advisor Zichal Plans to Step Down
Departure Will Not Affect Climate Action Plan Implementation. Zichal played an instrumental role in pushing for stricter fuel efficiency standards for automobiles and limits on mercury and other toxic emissions from power plants.
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EIA Releases Short Term Energy Outlook
Home Heating Costs Projected to Increase 13% for Natural Gas this Winter
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DOE Proposes Two Energy Efficiency Rules for Commercial Refrigeration
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) newly proposed rules aimed at reducing energy consumption in commercial refrigerators and walk-in coolers and freezers are expected to reduce energy spending by $28 billion over 30 years and reduce carbon emissions by 350 million metric tons in the same period if made final...
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DOE Announces $16 Million Investment in Wave and Tidal Energy
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced funding for 17 projects which capture energy from waves, tides, and currents. The latest assessments of wave and tidal energy resources conducted by the DOE identified the potential for up to 1400 terawatt hours of generation per year...
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NREL Study Finds that Cost Gap for Renewable Energy in the West Could Narrow
A new study conducted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) was commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy to identify future cost competitiveness of renewable energy in the West. The study found that by 2025, wind and solar electricity generation could become cost competitive with traditional energy sources without subsidies...
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Master Limited Partnership Legislation for Renewable Energy Stalls in Congress
The bipartisan legislation aiming to allow Master Limited Partnerships has entered a debate over the renewable energy production tax credit that has stalled the legislation’s progress. The debate on a production tax credit is expected to continue, and has been referred to as a pivotal piece of the legislation...
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New Report Released on Resiliency of Electric Grid During Natural Disasters
The White House Council of Economic Advisors and the U.S. Department of Energy have recently released a report assessing the nation’s electric grid, and how to best protect it from power outages during natural disasters...
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President Signs Two Hydropower Bills into Law
President Obama signed the Hydropower Regulatory Efficiency Act, H.R.267, and the Hydropower and Rural Jobs Act, H.R.678, into law. H.R. 267, introduced by Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), modifies the Federal Power Act and the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act to promote and facilitate the development of hydroelectric power capacity...
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Tonko and Danielson Explore Efforts to Enhance Energy Policy
On Wednesday, August 14, Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY) and Dr. David Danielson, Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, met with leaders of local businesses, educational institutions, non-profits, and others in upstate New York to discuss opportunities through energy efficiency...
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DOE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office Publishes Early Results of Superior Energy Performance Program
A paper presented during the 2013 Study on Energy Efficiency in Energy, hosted by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, shows the nine companies certified in Superior Energy Performance (SEP) had an average energy improvement of 10% over the first 18 months...
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Ford to Offer CNG Version of the F-150 in 2014
The Ford Motor Company will be offering the F-150, its number one consumer and business vehicle, with an option for retrofitting to compressed natural gas (CNG), or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The option to convert the pick-up to CNG will cost an additional $7,500 to $10,000 dollars over the traditional gasoline fueled truck...
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EPA Finalizes 2013 Renewable Fuel Standards
The Environmental Protection Agency has finalized the 2013 percentage standards for the Renewable Fuel Standards (RFS) program for cellulosic biofuel (0.004%), biomass-based diesel (1.13%), advanced biofuel (1...
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Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Seeks Clarification on LNG
Senators Wyden and Murkowski have formally submitted a letter to Energy Secretary Moniz requesting clarification on the circumstances under which the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has, or would, revoke approved permits for liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports...
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A Ranking of the Most Solar-Friendly States in the Country
The Environment America Research and Policy Center has released a new report that highlights the top 12 solar states in the United States. These 12 states represent 85% of the nation’s installed solar electricity capacity, but only 28% of the population...
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DOE Releases Report on Energy Sector Vulnerabilities to Climate Change
The U.S. Department of Energy has released a report examining energy sector vulnerabilities to an increasingly volatile climate. The report covers numerous energy sectors and outlines potential impacts of climate change activities on infrastructure and operations...
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New Report Examines Appliance Prices Before and After Appliance Standards
The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy released a study that shows marginal increases to appliance prices with more stringent efficiency standards. This study follows on the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) estimates that appliance prices would, on average, increase by a factor of 10...
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DOE’s SunShot Initiative: Webinar on Scenario Solar PV JEDI Model
The U.S. Department of Energy’s SunShot Initiative, in coordination with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, will host a webinar on the Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Jobs and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) Model...
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DOE EERE Resources for States
EERE’s Stakeholder Engagement provides the following resources designed to assist state and local communities in moving clean-energy agendas forward:
EERE State Summaries – A showcase of EERE investments and their positive impacts in states...
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FERC Orders $453 Million in Penalties for Western Power Market Manipulation
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has ordered Barclays Bank PLC to pay $453 million in fines for manipulating the western markets between 2006 and 2008. Barclays has 30 days to submit payment to the U...
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Senate ENR Committee Hearing on Clean Energy Financing
On July 18, 2013, the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources heard from a panel of public and private sector experts on the current state of the clean energy finance market in the United States and the potential role the federal government can play to spur greater investment in clean energy technology development and deployment...
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Energy Savings Through Public-Private Partnerships Act of 2013 Introduced in House
Representatives Cory Gardner (R-CO) and Peter Welch (D-VT) introduced the “Energy Savings Through Public-Private Partnerships Act of 2013,” H.R.2689, which seeks to amend the National Energy Conservation Policy Act and encourage the increased use of performance contracting in federal facilities...
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U.S. Senate Confirms New EPA Administrator
Gina McCarthy has been confirmed by the U.S. Senate for the post of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator. She was confirmed by a 59 to 40 vote. Ms. McCarthy was head of EPA’s Air and Radiation Office and has worked extensively on issues relating to global warming...
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New EIA Today in Energy Brief on State Energy Efficiency Programs
The U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA’s) new Today in Energy brief focuses on tracking state energy efficiency programs. EIA compiled a nationwide inventory database which provides detailed summaries of energy efficiency evaluation reports on electricity and natural gas programs...
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EIA Releases Real-Time Interactive Maps for Energy Infrastructure
Recently, EIA introduced interactive maps that combine real-time data feeds from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Hurricane Center. The tool features more than 20 map layers showing the nation's energy infrastructure and resources and allows for a better understanding of the potential impact of a storm...
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BLM Land Order to Further Facilitate Solar Energy Development
The new Land Order approved by the U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will set aside 303,900 acres of land from mining claims and make it available for solar energy development...
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DOE's Moniz Announces Departmental Reorganization
On Thursday, July 18, Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz announced a departmental reorganization, stating, "“Successful implementation of the President’s Climate Action Plan, 'all of the above' energy strategy and nuclear security agenda require the appropriate alignment of management functions and strengthened management throughout the agency,” in an email to Energy Department (DOE) staff Thursday...
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Climate Change Will Cause More Energy Breakdowns, U.S. Warns
The nation’s entire energy system is vulnerable to increasingly severe and costly weather events driven by climate change, according to a new DOE report
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Western Governors Release 10-Year Energy Vision
The newly released 10 Year Energy Vision outlines six overarching goals to guide energy development in the Western states. The guide offers paths forward for energy and environmental issues, including energy security, energy distribution, and protecting wildlife and natural resources...
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DOE Announces Public-Private Cybersecurity Capabilities Initiative
Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz announced the launch of a new initiative to protect oil and natural gas infrastructure from cyber threats.
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Western IEE/CHP Regional Dialogue Meeting
The Western Industrial Energy Efficiency (IEE) & Combined Heat and Power (CHP) dialogue meeting will be hosted on October 29 in Salt Lake City, Utah, by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office in coordination with the State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network and the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project...
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ICC Public Comment Hearings: Travel Scholarship Deadline
The International Code Council (ICC) is holding Public Comment Hearings from October 2–10, 2013. Deadline for travel scholarships is July 12, 2013
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EPA to Host July Webinars on New Portfolio Manager
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will hold two July webinars entitled, “Introducing the New Portfolio Manager: For Service Providers and Implementers of Utility and Government Benchmarking Programs...
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PACE Global to Host Webinar on LNG for Heavy Duty Trucking
On July 29, 2013, at 2:00 p.m. EDT PACE Global will hold a webinar discussion on LNG penetration into the heavy trucking market. The presentation will cover supplier and consumer approaches to overcoming challenges in technology adoption...
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FERC Approves the Sale of Entergy Inc’s. Interstate Transmission System to ITC Holdings Corporation
The sale of 15,800 miles of transmission lines has been approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. ITC Holdings, a Novi, Michican company, has purchased Entergy Incorporated’s interstate transmission system spanning the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas...
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Lifetime Cost of Ownership is Similar for Electric and Conventional Vehicles
A new study, conducted by EPRI, compares the Nissan Leaf and the Chevy Volt with convential gasoline vehicles, finding the vehicles can be cost competitive, depending on driving needs. The cost of ownership comparison shows that higher upfront costs can be offset by fuel cost savings...
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International Training Siminar on Biomass Heating
An International Training Seminar on Biomass Heating will be held in Linz, Austria from September 9-12, 2013. The International Training Seminar will focus on small- and mid-scale biomass projects, fueled by wood pellets and wood chips, covering solutions for homes, smaller commercial/public buildings and district heating grids...
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House Introduces Bill to Support Renewable Energy Careers
Representative Jerry McNerney (D-CA) introduced a bill to provide support to develop career and technical education programs of study and facilities in the areas of renewable energy, H.R.2368. The legislation has been referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce...
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Fossil Fuel Consumption Percentage Reduction Bill Introduced in House
Representative Ed Whitfield (R-KY), chair of the Energy and Power Subcommittee, introduced a bill to repeal the fossil fuel consumption percentage reduction requirements for federal buildings under the Energy Conservation and Production Act, H...
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Bill to Repeal Corporate Fuel Economy Standards Introduced in House
Representative Roger Williams (R-TX) introduced a bill to repeal the corporate average fuel economy standards, H.R.2445. The legislation has been referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
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President Obama Announces Climate Action Plan
On June 25, President Barack Obama announced his administration's plan to combat climate change.
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House Appropriations Committee Releases Fiscal Year 2014 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill
The U.S. House Appropriations Committee has moved a bill forward to the Energy and Water Subcommittee that proposes to reduce U.S. Department of Energy funding for renewable energy programs by $911 million in fiscal year 2014...
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Senate Moves Farm Bill Including Support for Biofuels and Renewables
On Monday, June 10, 2013, the Senate passed the 2013 Farm Bill, “Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2013” (S. 954), by a vote of 66 to 27. The 2013 legislation’s Energy title aims to reduce the nation’s dependence on foreign oil and create jobs in rural America by promoting the development of advanced biofuels and renewable energy...
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Moniz vows to elevate role of states, localities to inform agency priorities
Katherine Ling, E&E reporter
Published: Wednesday, June 19, 2013
The Energy Department will step up its focus on state and local needs to support a transition to a low-carbon economy, especially in developing the Quadrennial Energy Review, Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said yesterday during a House Science, Space and Technology Committee hearing...
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23 Governors Support Master Limited Partnership Parity Act
Governors from 23 states – the Governors’ Wind Energy Coalition – are calling for Master Limited Partnership Parity, which would allow investors to fund several types of clean energy projects using the same business structure common in oil and gas distribution projects...
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Interior Secretary Jewell Testifies Before the Senate E&NR Committee
Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell testified before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on programs and activities of the department. Testimony reviewed the department’s efforts in energy development and mentioned planned focus areas of onshore oil and gas, offshore wind energy, and continued wind and solar development...
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Federal Fuel Standard Sees Debate during House Oversight and Government Reform Hearing
The National Fuel Standard, requiring a set amount of renewable fuels to be processed each year, was under debate during the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Health Care and Entitlements hearing “Up Against the Blend Wall: Examining the EPA’s Role in the Renewable Fuel Standard”...
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Presidential Memorandum to Speed Electric Grid Modernization
President Obama signed a Presidential Memorandum that will speed the modernization of the nation’s electric grid.
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Hydropower Improvement Act of 2013 Moves Forward in Senate
The Hydropower Improvement Act of 2013, S.545, introduced by Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), has been placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 69.
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Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act Moves Forward in Senate
As NASEO reported earlier this week, the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2013, S.761, introduced by Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Rob Portman (R-OH), has been placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders...
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Senate Energy and Natural Resources Holds Full Committee Forum on Natural Gas
The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (E&NR) held a full committee forum to discuss future demand and markets for natural gas, and how this new demand will be met. Pipeline infrastructure and increased use of natural gas in the transportation sector were specific points of interest...
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Energy Secretary Moniz Makes First Public Statements at EE Global
Newly sworn in U.S. Secretary of Energy Dr. Ernest Moniz made his first public remarks at the Energy Efficiency Global Forum, hosted by the Alliance to Save Energy, on May 21. Secretary Moniz said his department would focus on better technology, natural gas development, improvements in the manufacturing sector, and working more directly with states and regions...
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H2USA: New Public-Private Partnership for Advancing Hydrogen Infrastructure
The U.S. Department of Energy has announced a new public-private partnership to support the advancement of transportation energy technologies and related infrastructure. Partners include automakers, hydrogen fuel cell manufacturers, and gas suppliers...
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NIST Releases Report on Strategies to Address Net-Zero Energy Data Gaps
Strategies to Achieve Net-Zero Energy Homes: A Framework for Future Guidelines, the latest publication from the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) on residential buildings, addresses the current gaps in energy data for homes and suggests strategies for overcoming those gaps in an effort to transition the residential market to net-zero energy design...
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DOE Launches Free Energy Data Platform (FRED)
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) partnered with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the Planetary Skin Institute to create FRED, a tool for viewing energy data from local to global scales. The platform utilizes data from the Energy Information Administration, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the Solar Energy Industries Association...
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CECI Highlights 10 Energy Success Stories for Local Chambers of Commerce
Chambers for Innovation and Clean Energy (CECI) has produced a report that looks closely at the work of 10 local-level chambers of commerce that have become change agents in the clean-energy market...
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Senate Finance Committee Considers Options for Municipal Bonds
A U.S. Senate Finance Committee white paper details options for altering the tax exemption status of municipal bonds. Tax exempt bonds help investors recoup greater returns on local infrastructure investments through decreased tax liability...
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EPA Releases Proposed Rule for Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the proposed rule for “Control of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles: Tier 3 Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards” in the Federal Register...
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USDA Announces Funding for the Expanded Production of Advanced Biofuels
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack announced $14 million in funding for biofuel producers (Green Earth Fuels, Beacon Energy Corp., and ME Bio Energy, LLC) that are expanding production of advanced biofuels from non-food sources...
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Alliance Standards Awareness Project (ASAP) Releases New Report on Appliances
ASAP’s new report, Better Appliances: An Analysis of Performance, Features, and Price as Efficiency Has Improved, examines how efficiency standards have changed product options for consumers. The analysis found that performance has remained steady or increased, and that prices have generally decreased...
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DOE Announces SunShot Prize: Race to the Rooftops
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced a new SunShot prize for teams who deploy 6,000 small-scale rooftop photovoltaic systems at a non-hardware cost of $1 per watt or less. The first team to achieve this goal will be awarded $7 million; the second and third place teams will be awarded $2 million and $1 million, respectively...
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Alliance to Save Energy (ASE) Announces Spin-off of SEEA
ASE announced at its 2013 Energy Efficiency Global Forum that the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance (SEEA), which is a wholly owned subsidiary of ASE, will become its own independent entity in 2014.
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Nomination of Gina McCarthy as EPA Administrator Moves to Full Senate
The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works held a full committee business meeting to consider the nomination of Gina McCarthy to be Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency...
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U.S. Senators Introduce Mechanical Insulation Installation Incentive Act of 2013
Proposed legislation creates tax credit for businesses, hospitals, and universities to install mechanical insulation.
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Shaheen-Portman Efficiency Bill and Hydropower Bills Move to Full Senate
On May 8, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee approved S. 761, the revised bipartisan Shaheen-Portman bill.
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Bakken and Three Forks Hold Twice as Much Oil
The U.S. Geological Survey now estimates that the Bakken and Three Forks formations in Montana, South Dakota, and North Dakota hold 7.4 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil.
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USDA Makes Additional $38 Million Available for the Rural Energy for America Program in FY13, Extends Deadline to May 31
The FY13 Appropriations bill passed by Congress removed caps on REAP funding. This has allowed the U.S. Department of Agriculture to release an addition $38 million in funding to farmers and ranchers...
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President Obama Opens Competition for Three Additional Manufacturing Innovation Institutes
The Obama Administration has announced the launch of a competition for three additional manufacturing innovation institutes. The Federal commitment to this effort will be $200 million, and work to build off of the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute, the first pilot institute as part of the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI)...
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DOE Publishes Methods for Estimating Energy Efficiency Savings
The U.S. Department of Energy has published a series of protocols for estimating savings from energy efficiency programs, titled Methods for Determining Energy Efficiency Savings for Specific Measures.
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Lower Energy Use Results in Lower Household Energy Costs
The U.S. Energy Information Administration has released data showing household energy costs in 2012, as a percentage of income, were the lowest since 2002.
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EPA Looks at Reducing Gasoline Sulfur Content, Increasing Ethanol Content
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a new standard for the sulfur content allowed in gasoline transportation fuels. The new fuel standard would include 30 percent ethanol content, an increase from the current mixture of 10 percent ethanol and 90 percent gasoline...
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NREL Releases Study Finding Public Capital Can Decrease Project LCOE by 8%-16% on Renewable Energy Projects
A new study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory examines the benefits of financing renewable energy projects with public capital financing vehicles such as Asset-backed securities, master limited partnerships, and real estate investment trusts...
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Senators Shaheen and Portman Push for Bipartisan Energy Efficiency Bill
On Thursday, April 18, U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Rob Portman (R-OH) formally reintroduced the Shaheen-Portman Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness (ESIC) Act. During the NASEO-ASERTTI Energy Outlook Conference in February and through subsequent conference calls and meetings, NASEO and the State Energy Offices provided input and insight on specific provisions within the bill...
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The President’s FY’14 Budget Request: DOE and EPA Details
President Obama released his FY 2014 budget request on Wednesday, April 10, 2013. Following the announcement, U.S. Department of Energy Deputy Secretary Daniel Poneman detailed the President's $28...
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DOE Seeking State Input on Federal Energy Savings Performance Contracts
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has published a Request for Information (RFI) in the Federal Register seeking comments and information regarding improvements to Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs)...
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IRS Defines Start of Construction for the Production Tax Credit
On April 15, 2013, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) completed rules that define how wind farm developers can qualify for tax breaks. Under a law signed by President Obama in January, wind projects must begin construction by December 31 to qualify for the production tax credit...
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EIA Launches New State Energy Portal
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) launched the most comprehensive, dynamic, and interactive view of the U.S. government's national and state energy data and information currently available to the public...
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Army Energy Summit at West Point Focuses on Operational Energy and Power
More than 580 cadets squeezed into Arnold Auditorium March 27, 2013, to hear from four senior Army leaders on the subject of developing a more energy-informed culture. Lt. Gen. Raymond V. Mason, the Department of the Army deputy chief of staff for logistics, told cadets the Army's push to develop energy-efficient technologies and train its Soldiers to be energy-conscious is all about the warfighters...
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President's FY 2014 Budget Request: DOE and EPA Details
President Obama released his FY 2014 budget request today, Wednesday, April 10, 2013.
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SEE Action Releases New Guide to State CHP Policy Implementation
The State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network (SEE Action) recently released a Guide to Successful Implementation of State Combined Heat and Power Policies that informs state utility regulators, energy officials, and other state policymakers with actionable information to assist them in implementing key state policies that impact combined heat and power (CHP), such as:
Design of standby rates
Interconnection standards for CHP with no electricity export
Excess power sales
Clean energy portfolio standards (CEPS)
Emerging market opportunities -- CHP in critical infrastructure and utility participation in CHP markets...
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EPA Releases List of Cities with the Most Energy Star Certified Buildings
On March 12, 2013, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a list of U.S. metropolitan areas with the most Energy Star certified buildings in 2012. The list is headed by Los Angeles, Washington, D...
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NAHB Study Reveals What Home Buyers Really Want
The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) recently released a study that identifies energy efficiency as a top priority of home buyers. Nine out of ten buyers would rather buy a home with energy-efficient features and permanently lower utility bills than one without those features that costs two to three percent less...
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New Study: Mortgage Default Risks Lower in ENERGY STAR Homes
A new study, “Home Energy Efficiency and Mortgage Risks,” released on March 19, 2013, found that mortgage default risks are on average 32% lower in ENERGY STAR homes.
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SolarMat -- Solar Manufacturing Technology Funding Opportunity
The deadline for the required concept paper for the U.S. Department of Energy’s SunShot Initiative Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), SolarMat—Solar Manufacturing Technology, is March 22, 2013...
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National Energy Efficiency Standardization Collaborative Requesting Input
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Energy Efficiency Standardization Coordination Collaborative (EESCC) issued a general call for input regarding current or forthcoming standards, codes, guidelines, and conformance programs related to energy efficiency standardization in the built environment, as well as perceived gaps in the current energy efficiency standardization landscape...
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EIA expands its API to include the State Energy Data System
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) has added its State Energy Data System (SEDS) annual time-series data to the agency's application programming interface (API). EIA's SEDS data library adds 1.4 million data points, summarizing energy production, consumption, prices, and expenditures, to the API that EIA launched in October 2012.
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FERC Proposes Reforms for Small Generator Interconnections
According to a January 17 press release, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) proposed reforms intended to reduce the time and cost to process small generator interconnection requests and allow for more efficient interconnection of these resources to benefit customers.
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SEE Action Releases Guides for Capturing Energy Efficient Impacts and Data
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network (SEE Action) recently released two new guides
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NNSA Awards Contract for Largest Federal Wind Farm to Siemens Government Technologies, Inc.
As reported by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), Siemens Government Technologies, Inc., was awarded a contract to construct and operate the federal government’s largest wind farm.
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New LBNL Report: The Future of Utility Customer-Funded Energy Efficiency Programs in the United States: Projected Spending and Savings to 2025
Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory (LBNL) recently announced the availability of a new LBNL report entitled, “The Future of Utility Customer-Funded Energy Efficiency Programs in the United States: Projected Spending and Savings to 2025.”
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NBI Webinar on Deep Energy Retrofits: January 23, 2013
New Buildings Institute (NBI) will hold a webinar on January 23, 2013 at 1 PM eastern to present findings from a recent summit focused on “Deep Energy Savings in Existing Buildings.”
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DOE Announces Six Projects to Develop Energy-Saving Windows, Roofs, and Heating and Cooling Equipment
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced a $9 million investment in leading-edge building envelope technologies, including high-efficiency, high-performance windows, roofs, and heating and cooling equipment.
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White House Releases Information Sharing and Safeguarding Guidance
On December 19, 2012, the White House released the "National Strategy for Information Sharing and Safeguarding" which provides guidance on how the Federal Government will responsibly share and safeguard information that enhances national security and protects the safety of the American people.
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DOE Announces $12 Million to Advance Rooftop Solar Challenge
As part of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) SunShot Initiative, they recently announced $12 million in new funding aimed at streamlining and standardizing local permitting, zoning, metering, and connection processes and improving finance options to lower costs for residential and small commercial rooftop solar systems.
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Thirty-Seven Senators Sign On to SEP and WAP Support Letter
A total of 37 Senators signed the U.S. State Energy Program (SEP) and Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) FY'14 President’s Budget letter calling for no less than $50 million for SEP and $210 million for WAP.
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Efficiency Bill Headed to White House
The Senate unanimously approved a bill (H.R. 6582) on December 7 that makes time-sensitive reforms, provides regulatory relief to manufacturers of certain appliances and strengthens the industrial efficiency and the Federal agency energy efficiency programs.
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EERE Organizational Reforms and New Stakeholder Engagement Office
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is implementing some changes that they say are aimed to better serve their mission of strengthening American competitiveness, improving energy security, and lowering energy costs.
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DOE and EPA Release Annual Fuel Economy Guide with 2013 Models
According to a December 6 press release, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are releasing the 2013 Fuel Economy Guide...
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New ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager DataTrends Series
The new ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager DataTrends series examines energy and water benchmarking trends for the thousands of buildings in Portfolio Manager.
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December Declared Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Month
On November 30, 2012, President Obama issued a presidential proclamation declaring December as “Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience Month.”
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EIA Releases Analysis of New York/New Jersey Intra Harbor Petroleum Supplies Following Hurricane Sandy
EIA conducted a survey to evaluate product flows in the New York Harbor area both prior to the storm and as of November 13, 2012
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EIA Releases Annual Energy Outlook 2013
On December 5, 2012, the U.S. Energy information Administration (EIA) issued its Annual Energy Outlook 2013 Reference case
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President Issues Classified Directive to Counter Cybersecurity Threats
On November 14, 2012, the Washington Post reported that President Obama issued Presidential Policy Directive 20 in mid-October to address the cyber-operations of military and federal agencies.
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Congress Should Act to Save Nation's Wind Jobs
In the Hill’s Congressional Blog, Governors Terry Branstad (R-Iowa) and Gov. John Kitzhaber (D-Ore.) discuss their position on Congress renewing the wind energy production tax credit (PTC).
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IEA Clean Coal Centre Report on Coal-Fired CCS Demonstration Plants
The IEA Clean Coal Centre (CCC) recently released, Coal-fired CCS demonstration plants, 2012. The report, by Stephen Mills, reviews activities taking place focused on the eventual large-scale deployment of carbon capture systems on coal-fired power plants.
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Cybersecurity Legislation Fails to Pass the Senate
On Wednesday, November 14, the Senate voted 51-47 against moving the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 (S.3414) as proposed by Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT – retiring).
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IEA Releases Latest World Energy Outlook
The global energy map is changing in dramatic fashion, the International Energy Agency said as it launched the 2012 edition of the World Energy Outlook (WEO).
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Natural Gas Fleet Savings Calculator Webinar: November 27 at 11:00 AM ET/10:00 AM CT
On Tuesday, November 27, the Drive Natural Gas Initiative will hold a webinar to explain the Natural Gas Fleet Savings Calculator they developed to calculate the payback period for converting a fleet, or part of a fleet, to natural gas.
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USDA Announces Funding to Improve Rural Electric Services
USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack recently announced the latest in a series of loan guarantees to finance improved efficiency and modernization rural electric generation and transmission systems
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DOE Announces New Investments in University-Led Nuclear Energy Innovation
DOE announced more than $13 million in new investments for university-led nuclear innovation projects
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New Consumer Energy Efficiency Resources Available
As part of a Consumer Outreach Campaign, the Building Codes Assistance Project (BCAP) and Consumers Union have developed English and Spanish resources.
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EERE Celebrates Completion of One Million Weatherized American Homes
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program is helping families save money on their energy bills
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