On, Monday, February 2, 2015, President Obama released his FY'16 Budget Request. An excerpt of the President's budget request covers most major U.S. Department of Energy Programs and the NASEO summary table showscases comparisons from prior years. Following is a list of funding request levels for programs of particular interest to the States, including:
$270 million request for the Office of Electricity and Energy Reliability
• $65 million request for State Energy Reliability and Assurance Grants
o $27.5 million request for competitive grants to state governments for electricity transmission, storage, and distribution reliability grants for states
o $35.5 million request for formula grants to state, local, and tribal governments for energy assurance planning, compliance, and training (including exercises)
• $21 million request for Energy Storage
$2.7 billion request for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
• $318 million request for Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs
o $70 million request for the State Energy Program
o $228 million request for the Weatherization Assistance Program
• $246 million request for Vehicle Technologies
• $404 million request for Advanced Manufacturing
• $336 million request for Solar Energy
• $264 million request for Building Technologies
• $246 million request for Bioenergy Technologies
• $145 million request for Wind Energy
• $103 million request for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies
• $96 million request for Geothermal Technology
• $67 million request for Water Power
• $43 million request for Federal Energy Management Program
$131 million request for the U.S. Energy Information Administration
$842 million request for the Office of Fossil Energy
$5.3 billion request for the Office of Science
$908 million request for the Office of Nuclear Energy
$325 million request for the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy
NASEO prepared the summary table that compares the FY’16 budget request to previous years under the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, and ARPA-e, among other programs.
As a reminder, the President's budget request is not an appropriation. Congress will take up FY'16 appropriations discussions in the coming weeks.