NASEO was able to get 38 U.S. Senators to to sign on in support of the Reed-Collins "Dear Colleague" letter in support of FY'17 funding for the U.S. State Energy Program ($70M) and Weatherization Assistance Program ($230M). Senator Collins (R-Maine) and Reed (D-RI) led the effort to gain support for these top-priority programs. This year's accelerated appropriations process allowed only six days to gather the 38 signatures. This exceeds last year's results of 36 signers gathered over three weeks.
91 House of Representatives Members Sign - Results of House SEP-WAP Letter
NASEO is also pleased to report on the great results of our efforts to get 91 U.S. House of Representatives Members to sign onto the House "Dear Colleague" letter in support of FY'17 funding for the U.S. State Energy Program ($70M) and Weatherization Assistance Program ($230M). This year's accelerated appropriations process gathered 91 signatures. This exceeds last year's results of 79 signers.
For more information, please contact Jeff Genzer at