Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory (LBNL) recently announced the availability of a new LBNL report entitled, “The Future of Utility Customer-Funded Energy Efficiency Programs in the United States: Projected Spending and Savings to 2025.” The study, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, presents projections of future spending on energy efficiency programs funded by electric and gas utility customers in the United States through 2025. The report also includes projections of electricity savings and the potential impact on load growth. The projections are based on a detailed review and modeling of all relevant state policies and legislation, regulatory decisions, and utility integrated resource and demand-side management plans. Scenario assumptions also were informed by interviews with regional and national energy efficiency experts, program administrators, regulatory staff and other industry stakeholders. The full report and technical appendices can be downloaded HERE. A summary briefing highlighting key findings from the report can be downloaded HERE. Finally, an abbreviated version of the report that excludes the technical appendix is due to appear this month in Energy Efficiency Journal HERE. The results of the study will also be presented via webinar on January 31, 2013 at 10am PT. To register, click HERE.