The National Association of Clean Air Agencies (NACAA) has released Implementing EPA’s Clean Power Plan: Model State Plans. This comprehensive document is designed to help states and localities comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan (CPP). It will be useful for State Energy Offices as well as air quality regulators and other stakeholders who are involved in developing greenhouse gas compliance strategies. NACAA’s Model summarizes state plan requirements and strategic planning decisions, analyzes primary plan types and example plan provisions, and provides a complete model state plan, as well as a model initial submittal.
While NASEO has not taken a position on the merits or legality of the CPP, we support opportunities for states that choose to create compliance plans to have the flexibility to craft least-cost compliance approaches that can also support other state energy, economic, and environmental objectives.
NASEO collaborates with NACAA and the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) in the “3-N” process to promote dialogue among state agencies to better understand impacts and implementation challenges related to energy-air quality interactions. NASEO offers the Energy-Air Resource Hub and Answers to State Questions (ASQ) to help states address these issues.
If you have any questions, please contact Rodney Sobin at