The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) invite you to participate in a stakeholder review of the latest measurement and verification protocols produced by the Uniform Methods Project.
DOE is developing the protocols in close collaboration with industry. The protocols will provide a straightforward method for evaluating gross energy savings for each of the most common residential and commercial measures and programs offered by ratepayer-funded energy efficiency programs in the United Sates.
Over the next several months, protocols for several measures will undergo Stakeholder Review, starting with:
• Commercial New Construction
• Retro-Commissioning
• Chillers
Watch for additional protocols in the coming months.
DOE invites NASEO's members to participate in a review of the draft protocols ending Friday, December 20, 2013. The review will provide stakeholders with the opportunity to provide feedback about the draft protocols before they are released in their final form. And it will allow DOE to gather feedback on their validity and usefulness. After the review period closes, DOE will update and publish a new draft of the protocols online along with its responses to reviewer comments.
Learn more about the project and participate in the protocols review at: