Reducing fuel consumption in the military has become an operational imperative: not only can it save money, it will also save soldiers’ lives, as well as improve the mobility and endurance of military forces. Enhancing the energy efficiency of the armed forces is one of NATO’s priorities in the field of energy security.
The importance of energy efficiency for the conduct of military operations has come to the fore over the past decade. The weight of batteries to power the wide range of electronic equipment used by the military adds a substantial burden to soldiers. Moreover, fuel convoys are vulnerable to attack (it is estimated that 3,000 US soldiers were killed or wounded in attacks on fuel and water convoys in Iraq and Afghanistan between 2003 and 2007).
Progress in the field of energy efficiency relies heavily on working together with like-minded partners. “Now is the time to start thinking about multinational cooperation: by setting clear priorities; by bringing together groups of interested nations; and by achieving economies of scale. This is why we call it ‘smart energy’,” says NATO Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, Ambassador Sorin Ducaru.
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