NASEO-U.S. Climate Alliance Webinar on Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

March 11, 2022, 2:00 - 3:00 PM ET
Webinar/Virtual Meeting

NASEO and the U.S. Climate Alliance will present an overview of CCUS status and opportunities with a focus on state policy and planning aspects. Drawing from NASEO’s CCUS: Overview and Considerations for State Planning and recent developments and resources, the webinar will cover CCUS principles and techno-economic aspects, major sectors to which it can apply, and potential uses for captured CO2. The webinar will emphasize state policy and planning considerations, discuss complementary decarbonization approaches (such as hydrogen applications), and touch on pertinent Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provisions. There will time for state discussion and Q&A. This webinar will be limited to state and territory participants. Please contact Kelsey Jones (, Rodney Sobin (, or Kareem Hammoud ( for registration link and questions.