NASEO QECB Webinar: State Experiences from Michigan and Colorado

Friday, December 3, 2010 - 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm EST

Based on input by NASEO’s State Energy Financing Committee indicating a high level of continued interested in QECBs, NASEO has organized a webinar to share specific experiences from state offices currently engaged in implementing QECB-financed projects and programs. 

Todd Hurt from the Michigan State Energy Office and Brett Johnson from the Colorado State Energy Office will discuss their perspective on the role energy offices can play with state bonding authorities and agencies, challenges in state aggregation of allocations, and elements of successful programs such as outreach.  Jeff Pitkin, Treasurer, NYSERDA and Chair of the NASEO State Energy Financing Task Force will open the webinar, and Chuck Guinn, Northeast Regional Coordinator, NASEO will serve as moderator during the Q&A Session.


Q&A Session Highlights

  • For states interested in drafting legislation, consider adding deadlines for local governments to use their allocations.  For unused allocations, include a process for reversion of funds back to the state.
    • Utilize existing state bonding infrastructure (look to agencies historically involved with state private activity bonds or PABs) rather than reinvent the wheel. 
  • Use your or other state agencies’ existing financial community networks to conduct outreach about the QECB financing. 

Please contact Julie Friedman ( if you have any questions.  Thank you and we look forward to your participation.