Please pay attention to the guidance contained in the footnotes.
Executive Summary
Should summarize the plans to effectively communicate with policy makes
Introduction and purpose of the document
Should include a schedule for how often the plans should be regularly reviewed and update
Summary Description of the State's Energy Used and Expenditures (Draw from the EIA State Energy Data Reports 3)
Description of events in the state that have historically cause energy disruptions, and state actions that have been taken in response and the potential for future events.
State agencies and their roles (include organizational charts) and relationship with Federal, Regional and Local Authorities.
Energy emergency response and
Energy critical infrastructure production and enhancement of resiliency (see Energy Sector Specific Plan)
Cyber Security (see Guidelines page 23)
Private energy producers, largest consumers, associations and their interaction with state, federal and local authorities.
Assessing the consequences and severity of energy emergencies and tracking the rate of recovery4. (see Guidelines Appendix D and Appendix E)
Methods for ongoing monitoring of energy markets
Sources of data including used including the Energy information Administration, trade press, and other sources of information
Energy Private Sector Contacts
Data analysis capabilities and the use of forecasts
State sources for situation analysis including sector specific agencies and the emergency management and homeland security agencies
Emergency Communication Procedures internal to state and local government and with the private sector in monitoring the events and recovery efforts. (Describe how information is shared and with whom, what information is shared5 and the communication channel used, phone, e-mail, etc. Accurate and updated 24 hour emergency contact lists should be prepared and updated annually (may be included as an Appendix to the plan or bound separately to improve readability and to facilitate future updates).
Within state energy agencies
With other States departments or agencies including the emergency management agency and the position of individuals e.g. Director or Supervisor of XYZ
Role of the State Energy Emergency Assurance Coordinators, (see Guidelines page 39)
Contacts with the Private Sector (including producers, transporters, gatherers and largest consumers).
Describe Management Decision Process:
Who is responsible for the identification and assessment of disruptions or potential for disruptions, i.e. quantification of the scope, potential duration, severity and duration of an event?
Describe how the information is validated and when it finalized who is it provided to as described in the emergency communication procedures
Describe who formulates recommendations for any actions that might be taken in response and who will be involved in the decision making process. From what plans and legal authorities will these be drawn? This can range from simply increased monitoring to Declaration of an emergency or disasters. (See Figure 5 in the guidelines page 45).
Procedures for issuing a declaration
Energy emergency
General emergency or disaster
Identify what are available legal authorities that can be used in response to an emergency? (see Guidelines page 30)
States Statues
Executive Orders
Administrative Rules or emergency rules
Public utility commission orders
Federal authorities effecting states ( emergency waivers, exemptions others)
Other authorities
Voluntary appeals
Public Information Program, (see Guidelines page 69). How will communication with the media be handled and who will serve as the spokesperson for the state or state agencies as appropriate. This will vary and should be defined based on the scope of the events.
Coordination and roles
State Agency Staff
Governor's Office
Joint Information Center (JIC) if activated in a disaster
Operational Considerations
Data and Information Acquisition and Dissemination
Equipment requirements, such as phone banks, computers, and required for press briefing, etc.
Energy Emergency Response Plans 6, 7, 8
Petroleum – Gasoline, Diesel Fuel, #2 Heating Oil, Propane, Ethanol, Biodiesel, Other.
Description and location capacity and throughput of petroleum Infrastructure
Monitoring Supply and Demand
Describe how the disruption or energy emergency will be monitored and the data, tools and methods that are available to undertake the assessment. (Reference material may be included in one or more appendices')
Describe how response and recovery efforts will be monitored and how the estimated rate of recovery to normal conditions will be monitored.
Describe historical linkages and how the associated effects will be identified, monitored and communicated
Managing Supply and Assuring Essential Public Needs. (see Guidelines page 64) Examples include, but are not limited to:
Driver Hour Waivers (see Guidelines page 66)
Fuel Specification (Environmental) Waivers (see Guidelines page 68)
Priority Energy Users Programs/Policies (See Guideline page 65)
State Set-aside programs (See Guidelines Appendix F)
Plans for resupply of gas stations on evacuation routes and in the recovery phase (see Guidelines page 65)
Use and recovery of ethanol and biodiesel supply
Reducing Demand. (see Guidelines page 64) Examples include, but are not limited to:
Ridesharing/vanpooling programs
Programs to increase the use of mass transit and mass transit deployment
Improved vehicle maintenance
Alternative fuels vehicle programs
Public Information based emergency conservations actions
Reduction of highway speed limits
Home energy saving recommendations (propane/fuel oil)
Natural Gas 9 (see Guidelines page 56)
Description and location capacity and throughput of natural gas Infrastructure
Monitoring Supply and Demand
Describe how the disruption or energy emergency will be monitored and the data, tools and methods that are available to undertake the assessment. (Reference material may be included in one or more appendices')
Describe how response and recovery efforts will be monitored and how estimated of the rate of recovery to normal conditions will be monitored
Managing Supply and Assuring Essential Public Needs
Curtailment provisions in Local Distribution Utilities tariffs, or Public Utility Commission rules or orders for end use customers and transportation customers
Reducing Demand
Reduction in natural gas usage in state facilities (executive order or directive)
Public information program on residential conservation measures
Use of any potential fuel switching options
Reduction in natural gas fired electric generation
Industrial conservation measures.
Temperature reduction initiatives where applicable
Electricity and Energy Resource used to Generate Electricity10 (including coal, renewables (wind, solar, etc.) energy efficiency and smart grid) (see Guidelines page 49)
Cyber Security requirement for the Smart Grid (Role of the state)
Smart Grid role and use in outages (if applicable)
State Actions to reducing demand
Reduction in electric usage in state facilities (executive order or directive)
Expansion of Energy Efficiency programs
Demand response
Uses and recovery of wind, solar and other power supply resources
State Actions to managing supply and assure essential public needs
Local Distribution Utility Emergency Response Plan Summary
Transmission System Operator Emergency Response Plan Summary (if applicable)
Independent System Operator Emergency Response Plan Summary (if applicable)
Monitoring Supply and Demand
Describe how the disruption or energy emergency will be monitored and the data, tools and methods that are available to undertake the assessment. (Reference material may be included in one or more appendices')
Describe how response and recovery efforts will be monitored and how estimated of the rate of recovery to normal conditions will be monitored.
Description of systems used to supply energy resources for power generation
Description and location capacity and throughput of electric generation, transmission and distribution Infrastructure including renewable energy resources and energy efficiency programs
Describe linkages to other response plans and procedures
State Emergency Management or Disaster plan
Energy Emergency Annex or section
Emergency Support Function 12 Energy
Incident Command
National Incident Management System
Other state agency plans
Cyber security
Federal Plans
A brief summary of the National Response Framework may be useful to include
Federal authorities (See Appendix C of the state Energy Assurance Guidelines)
Other Plans
Describe linkages to non-government private sector response plans and procedures
For significant disaster events states should prioritize the recovery of social and economic critical infrastructure and should coordinate with the private sector.
State Plan for Enhancing the Resiliency and Protecting Critical Energy Infrastructure (Note: much if not all of the information in this section of the plan may be considered sensitive and treated as confidential and may be better bound is a separate document or appendix, see Guidelines page 19)
Does the state have a Plan for Critical Infrastructure Protection, how is the Energy Sector addressed in this plan and how are the public and private sector plans coordinated?
What are the roles and responsibilities of the state agencies involved with Critical Infrastructure Protection? (see Guidelines page 16)
Description and prioritization of critical state energy infrastructure and key assets
Assessing risk, vulnerabilities, criticality and the nature of the threat. Includes the assessment to recover into a normal state and the long-term impacts that may not be apparent in the short-term (e.g. long-term financial impact)
Identifying Protective Measures
Developing investments that build resiliency (see Guidelines page 9)
Diversification of energy sources and integration of renewable resources (wind, solar geothermal, other
Enhance reliability and resiliency11
Increased efficiency of systems
Development of Smart or Intelligent Power Grid
Cyber Security programs and initiatives
Policies and Procedures for Protecting sensitive information
What framework might exist that supports the Public Private partnership as described in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan
3 For one example see
4 Note: section 6, 7 and 8 alternatively could be organized by energy resources, i.e., petroleum, natural gas and electricity which each of these topics specifically discussed for each.
5 The use of flow charts may be helpful.
6 For each specific response measure each element of the design of the measure should be addressed as outlined beginning on page 46 of the State Energy Assurance Guidelines, Version 3.1 December 2009
7 The risk of a disruption due to a cyber attack should be addressed as part of the plans for each energy resource. For further information see Cyber Security page 23, State Energy Assurance Guidelines Version 3.1 December 2009
8 This should include a schedule reflecting regular review and updating of the plan and the agency that is responsible for initiating this actions.
9 This plan should be prepared in close coordination with the state public utility commission. There may be tariffs, rules or commission orders that may govern emergency actions to be taken by utilities they regulate. This section of the plan may be description only with regards to actions take by electric utilities which would precede any actions that may be required by the state.
10 This plan should be prepared in close coordination with the state public utility commission. There may be tariffs, rules or commission orders that may govern emergency actions to be taken by utilities they regulate. This is likely to include reporting of power outages, as one example. This section of the plan may be description only with regards to actions taken by electric utilities which would precede any actions that may be required by the state
11 Owner and operator of critical energy infrastructure should consider energy alternatives ,diversification and improved efficiency as part of their planning including Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP)