1. Executive Summary
  2. Introduction and purpose of the document(s)

PART I Operational Elements

  1. Summary Description of the state’s Energy Used and Expenditures1.
  2. Description of events in the state that have historically caused energy disruptions and state actions that have been taken in response and the potential for future events.
  3. State agencies and their roles (include organizational charts) and relationship with Federal, Regional and Local Authorities.
  4. Private energy producers, largest consumers, associations and their interaction with state, federal and local authorities.
  5. Methods for assessing the consequences and severity of energy emergencies and tracking the rate of recovery.
  6. Emergency communication procedures
  7. Management decision process
  8. Legal authorities
  9. Public information program

Part II Contingency Plans

  1. Energy Emergency Response Plans2
    1. Petroleum products and ethanol, biodiesel and other liquid energy resources
    2. Natural gas
    3. Electricity and energy resources used to generate electricity (including coal, renewables (wind, solar, etc.)  energy efficiency and smart grid)
  1. Describe linkages to other state and federal response plans and procedures
  2. Describe linkages to non-government private sector response plans and procedures

Part III Critical Energy Infrastructure Plans

  1. State Plan for Enhancing the Resiliency and Protecting Critical Energy Infrastructure (Note: much if not all of the information in this section of the plan may be considered sensitive and treated as confidential due to the security implications and may be better bound is a separate document or appendix, see Guidelines page 19)

1 For one example see http://www.dleg.state.mi.us/mpsc/reports/energy/energyoverview/
2 The risk of a disruption due to a cyber attack should be addressed as part of the plans for each energy resource.  For further information see Cyber Security page 23, State Energy Assurance Guidelines Version 3.1 December 2009