State Led School Programs - Rhode Island

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More information about the State or Territory Energy Office of Rhode Island can be found here.

Rhode Island provides state-level funding for capital construction.

Public School Energy Equity Program

Program Type: Facilities Management
Program Description: The Rhode Island Public-School Energy Equity Program aims to provide essential support to underserved public schools in Rhode Island by implementing energy-saving measures that improve building occupants' health, safety, and comfort while also reducing energy costs. Administered by the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources, this program also offers accelerator tools that expand eligibility for existing LED lighting, heat pump water heater, building automation system, and energy audit pilots to public school districts as eligible entities. This will contribute to the state's Act on Climate law, which mandates economy-wide greenhouse gas reduction targets leading to net-zero emissions by 2050.

Efficient Buildings Fund

Program Type: Funding and Financing
Program Description: The Efficient Buildings Fund (EBF), offered through the Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources and Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank, and makes attractive, long-term financing available to municipalities and quasi-public agencies, including public schools. Financing is offered with interest rates 33 percent lower than the borrower's market rate, and will support the completion of eligible energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Free energy audits and energy consulting services are available to verify that the completed energy efficiency measures will result in energy cost reductions and cashflow positive investments.

Facility Equity Initiative

Program Type: Funding and Financing
Program Description: Consistent with State Priorities, the Rhode Island Department of Energy’s Strategic Plan, and Rhode Island General Law, the Rhode Island Department of Education created a new initiative in FY 2022 to help create facility equity between Rhode Island students. The initiative continues in FY'23 with $30M in funding to expand the eligibility to the ten local education agencies (LEAs) with base reimbursement rates over 45%. The School Building Authority has partnered with the Office of Energy Resources (OER) and the Division of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (DEDI) to provide LEAs with additional resources. All LED lighting projects will receive 100% State reimbursement. Any project that achieves a minimum 15% Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) utilization will receive an increase of 10 bonus points on their State reimbursement rate.

Shared Energy Manager for Public Buildings (Inactive)

Program Type: Facilities Management
Program Description: Using 2017 State Energy Program funding, Rhode Island enhanced building energy efficiency data reporting policies for public buildings in small, medium, and rural communities across their state to expand the deployment of energy efficiency improvement projects. Rhode Island employed a shared energy manager to help municipal governments and public entities, including K-12 public schools, meet energy management goals. This program also convened an advisory committee of other Northeastern states to share program resources and provide automated and customized technical assistance through an online platform.