Background: With support from DOE, NASEO is working on a “Federal Energy Financing Playbook for State Energy Offices.” The playbook will provide actionable guidance to State Energy Offices interested in learning about and leveraging various federal agencies’ financing programs for clean energy deployment. As a first step, NASEO has created a Federal Financing Quick Reference Guide to help states understand the variety of existing federal programs that Energy Offices and their partners may use to advance energy efficiency and renewable energy funding and financing in their states. The guide draws significantly from a 2016 DOE report, “Federal Financing Programs for Clean Energy,” which provides detailed information on available programs. We hope you will use the DOE report and NASEO’s accompanying reference guide to begin exploring options for advancing financing in your state.
Request: As a next step, NASEO is interested in learning about whether your office has used (or may wish to use) federal energy financing programs to support clean energy deployment in your state. The following brief checklist includes a list of federal clean energy financing programs and space for you to indicate whether you have experience using them or are interested in learning more about them.
Beginning in August, NASEO will host calls to delve deeper into a subset of programs that State Energy Offices are most interested in.
Thank you for sharing your insights with us as we develop the playbook.