Please join the NASEO Buildings Committee for our next meeting on May 5th, 2016 from 3:00 - 4:00pm ET. We will be using a webinar for this meeting, which you can register for here.
We look forward to welcoming everyone for the first meeting since the Energy Policy Outlook Conference in February. The meeting will include an introduction to the newest Committee Co-Chair and a robust agenda of guest presenters on the leading building energy topics of the day. The agenda includes:
Welcome and Introductions
Co-Chair Remarks
Christian Williss, Colorado Energy Office
Laith Younis, California Energy Commission
Chris Baker, The Weidt Group
AB 802: California's state-wide private commercial and multifamily building benchmarking mandate - managing the stakeholder process
Laith Younis, California Energy Commission
Erik Jensen, California Energy Commission
Minnesota B3: How is Minnesota using benchmarking data to manage and improve public building energy performance across the state
Anthony Fryer, Division of Energy Resources
2018 International Energy Conservation Code: National model energy code under siege
Recap, Next Steps, and Adjourn