On July 31, 2015, NASEO released its working paper “Energy Efficiency Strategies for Clean Power Plan Compliance: Approaches and Selected Case Studies” to support state consideration of “no regrets” and often least-cost energy efficiency strategies for prospective Clean Power Plan (CPP) compliance. While NASEO has not taken a position on the CPP, we are working to ensure states are given wide flexibility in addressing key reliability, affordability, and other state imperatives. Energy efficiency approaches offer among the most cost-effective means to meet both air quality and energy goals, while also supporting energy system reliability.
The NASEO paper discusses the case for energy efficiency and explores some high-level issues of state compliance strategy. The case studies section discusses several major energy efficiency approaches (building energy codes, energy savings performance contracting [ESPC], combined heat and power, and industrial energy efficiency through Superior Energy Performance), including addressing key compliance plan questions. The paper also includes and links to additional resources, such as example regulatory plan language covering a variety of energy efficiency approaches and technical resources offered by partner organizations.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Rodney Sobin at: rsobin@naseo.org or 703.299.8800.