On Wednesday, February 6, 2013, Congressman Paul Tonko (NY), ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy, provided opening remarks at the 2013 State Energy Outlook Conference. Congressman Tonko emphasized the important role State Energy Offices, play in strengthening state and local economies and improving the lives of citizens across the country. He thanked NASEO and ASERTTI members for being the agents of progress, adding that the work of State Energy Offices and research institutions is gravely important.
Congressman Tonko stressed that sound energy policy is critical to the country’s future and that decisions regarding energy policy need to be guided by physics, not politics. He raised several cross-cutting energy areas, including energy efficiency, infrastructure resiliency, and advanced manufacturing and highlighted the positive impact these holistic approaches have on economic development. “Advanced manufacturing," he said, "is the linkage to a very successful next generation of job creation." Congressman Tonko also emphasized the important role State Energy Offices and state research institutions. He also stressed the key role of both the State Energy Program and the Weatherization Assistance Program, stating, "These programs are very critical to every state in the country."