In order to highlight state government's efforts to improve energy efficiency, Governor Maggie Hassan recently presented the Governor's Excellence in Energy Efficiency Awards at the State's annual energy conference hosted by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and the Department of Administrative Services.
“We all know that the cleanest and cheapest source of energy is the energy that we don’t use, and through our energy efficiency and conservation efforts, state government is helping to lead the way,” Governor Hassan said. “I want to thank our hard-working state employees for all that you are doing here and throughout the state to improve energy efficiency, day in and day out. In order to build on our progress, we must continue to support our State Energy Manager’s efforts to reduce the state’s energy costs and manage our energy use.”
In the last nine years, the State has saved at least $8 million in energy costs through efficiency measures and through switching to lower-cost fuels. Since 2009, the State passenger auto and truck fleet has reduced mileage by approximately five percent, which has translated to 1.4 million fewer miles that New Hampshire taxpayers have had to pay for. And between Fiscal Year 2005 and Fiscal Year 2014, the square footage of building space used by state government has increased by 12 percent while overall energy use has decreased by two percent.
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