Over the last several months, the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO), New Buildings Institute (NBI), and Resource Media have convened two planning meetings to explore opportunities for advancing zero-net energy (ZNE) policies and programs at the state and local levels. On January 16, 2013, at 2pm EST, NASEO, NBI, and Resource Media, will host a webinar to discuss our findings from the meetings and our plans for a National ZNE Leadership Initiative.
The planning meetings conducted earlier this year brought together over 30 leaders from State Energy Offices, state research institutions, local governments, and energy organizations. Meeting attendees discussed the tangible goal that ZNE buildings offer policymakers, owners, and designers, and the potential for ZNE buildings to achieve significant energy savings and increased resiliency for both new and existing structures. The consensus emerging from the meetings was that a national ZNE initiative would provide credibility for and significantly advance state and local ZNE goals. As a result, NASEO, NBI, and Resource Media are developing a multi-year plan for accelerating ZNE at the state and local levels through a National ZNE Leadership Initiative.
Please click here to register for the webinar. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Wagner, NASEO Project Manager (cwagner@naseo.org).