California and Mexico have signed a bilateral pact aimed at advancing cross-border investments in clean energy.
Signed July 29 by California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) and Mexico's Secretary of Energy Pedro Joaquin Coldwell during the governor's trade visit to Mexico City, the agreement calls for the two governments to work together in developing and deploying renewable energy, biofuels and other clean energy technologies.
The agreement also includes a commitment to explore integrating Baja California Norte into the California energy market and to support expanded markets for clean and energy-efficient technologies, including manufacturing and transportation.
“By this agreement, we intend to work together to dramatically increase solar, wind and other renewable investments,’’ Brown said in a written statement.
On July 28, Brown signed a similar memorandum of understanding with Mexico's Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Undersecretary Rodolfo Lacy and the Mexican National Forestry Commission Director General Jorge Rescala Perez to cooperate on policies to curb greenhouse gas emissions.