NASEO and the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (VEIC), with support from DOE's Clean Cities Program, recently developed a Transportation Technical Reference Manual to characterize energy savings and financial costs of selected transportation efficiency measures.
While using standardized methodologies to measure the energy impacts and cost-effectiveness of efficiency programs is common practice in the electric and thermal energy sectors, this is not the case for transportation. As electric vehicles (EVs) spread nationwide, the electricity and transportation sectors have an increasing number of shared interests and an opportunity to learn from one another. One opportunity for knowledge transfer involves assessing the financial and environmental benefits of transportation measures, such as alternative fuel vehicles and fueling infrastructure, in the same way that energy utilities characterize efficiency measures and inform program development—namely, through a tool called the Technical Reference Manual (TRM). Inspired by this widely-used model, NASEO and VEIC have developed the following Transportation TRM to characterize energy savings, environmental benefits, and financial costs of selected transportation efficiency measures and establish a framework for comprehensive and informed decision-making.
In addition, a webinar on the report will be held on July 8, 2014.