In February 2025, the Hawai’i State Energy Office published the Hawai'i Statewide Energy Flowchart. Previewed at NASEO’s Energy Data Working Group in September 2024, the flowchart, also known as a Sankey diagram, depicts the flow of energy through the state’s economy. The Hawai’i Statewide Energy Flowchart was inspired by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Energy Flow Charts, intended to aid in visualizing “the complex interrelationships involved in managing our nation’s resources.”
Utilizing primarily publicly available data from the state and federal governments, the interactive data visualization illustrates the journey of energy resources to final consumption. Currently, the flowchart depicts data from 2022, but updates to include data from 2023 are expected Spring 2025. Funding from the U.S. Department of Energy's State Energy Program supported the Hawai'i State Energy Office for both software and initial work from the Data Science Institute Fellows.