NASEO Publishes Report on Supporting Energy Efficient Manufactured Homes with Loan Loss Reserves

Source: NASEO

With the support of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, NASEO has developed a publication, Supporting Energy Efficient Manufactured Homes with Loan Loss Reserves: Program Implementation Options for State Energy Offices”, outlining the necessary steps to design a loan loss reserve fund that supports affordable financing of energy-efficient manufactured housing. This may be of interest to State and Territory Energy Offices interested in encouraging residents to purchase new energy-efficient manufactured homes or to conduct energy efficiency measures on existing homes. In the single-family residential market, several states use loan loss reserves to leverage private capital for residential energy efficiency project financing. Such programs are typically administered by the State Energy Office, state green bank, state housing finance agency, state community development agency, or any combination of these entities using state and/or federal funds. Drawing on existing program examples, this guide offers insight into participant solicitation, contract terms and conditions, loan origination and services, project eligibility, fund agreements, and consumer education necessary to offer a successful loan loss reserve program to support the purchase of new and highly energy-efficient manufactured homes or finance efficiency measures in existing manufactured homes. Please contact Jasmine Xie ( with any questions or additions.