NASEO, in partnership with C2ES, is pleased to release a new report, Alternative Fuel Vehicle and Fueling Infrastructure Deployment Barriers and the Potential Role of Private Sector Financial Solutions. This paper examines the ways in which private financing can address the barriers to demand facing electric, natural gas, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and their related fueling infrastructure. Starting with a review of the state of the market, it covers significant barriers to market demand and barriers for private investors and concludes with a review of innovative finance options used in other sectors that could be applied to the alternative fuel vehicle market.
This report is part of a larger, NASEO-led project, Unlocking Private Sector Financing for Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Fueling Infrastructure. This two-year project, funded by the Department of Energy’s Clean Cities program, recognizes the critical role that State Energy Offices have and continue to play in the deployment of alternative fuel vehicles and their related infrastructure. Additional information about the project can be found on NASEO’s Transportation Committee page.