On Monday, September 9, 2019, the House passed H.R. 2114 on a bipartisan basis under suspension of the House rules. H.R. 2114 reauthorizes the U.S. State Energy Program at a funding level of $90 million/year (the present appropriation is $55 million/year). The bill also adds cybersecurity and physical security responsibilities. This bipartisan bill was led by Rep. Rush (D-IL) and Rep. Upton (R-MI), the Chair and ranking member of the Energy Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. H.R. 2114 is identical to a bill that passed the House under unanimous consent in July 2017. That earlier bill was also led by the same two representatives. The slightly different Senate version of the bill (S. 2094), sponsored by Sen. Gardner (R-CO) and Sen. Bennet (D-CO) will be part of a legislative hearing before the Energy Subcommittee of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday, September 11, 2019.
We remain very pleased that this legislation is bipartisan. to learn more, read the press release from Rep. Rush's office.