On February 13, 2019, Michael Furze, Assistant Director, Energy Division, Washington State Department of Commerce and NASEO Board Member, testified in support of funding for the Weatherization Assistance Program before the U.S. House Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations. In his testimony, Mr. Furze stressed the value and impact of both the U.S. State Energy Program and WAP. Subcommittee Chairwoman Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) repeatedly stressed the importance achieving greater levels of WAP innovation and incorporating new energy technologies. She requested ongoing input and ideas from the witnesses and others on how to address such issues as making structural improvements to homes along with weatherization, weatherizing manufactured housing, engaging groups such as Habitat for Humanity, and piloting community-wide weatherization and solar approaches. Ranking Member Mike Simpson (R-ID) stressed the importance of WAP and asked the witnesses to address how rental housing is treated under program rules and how private contractors could be utilized in program delivery. Other witnesses included Annamaria Garcia, Director of the Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs Office of the U.S. Department of Energy, and representatives of the National Association for State Community Services Programs and Great Lakes Community Action Partnership. Video of the hearing is available on the subcommittee website at: https://appropriations.house.gov/legislation/hearings/oversight-hearing-department-of-energy-s-weatherization-assistance-program.