NASEO is pleased to welcome Kathleen Staks, Executive Director of the Colorado Energy Office, to our Board of Directors, where she will serve as one of our Regional Representatives for the Central Region.
In 2017, Governor John Hickenlooper appointed Kathleen Staks as the Executive Director of the Colorado Energy Office (CEO). Ms. Staks works to ensure that Colorado’s energy portfolio benefits Colorado businesses, workers and families by improving the effective use of all of Colorado’s energy resources across all economic sectors. She has a history of working with organizations addressing Colorado’s energy and land issues. Prior to her appointment at CEO, Ms. Staks served as Assistant Director for Energy at the Colorado Department of Natural Resources, where she advised and coordinated with the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety and the Governor's office.
Ms. Stakes also worked at Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) for six years as the program director for open space and parks and wildlife. In that position, she oversaw land conservation grant programs and managed the relationship between GOCO and the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife. Before working at GOCO, Kathleen worked on land conservation policy with the Colorado Coalition of Land Trusts.
She has a law degree from the University of Denver and a journalism degree from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.