NASEO Board Member Tristan Vance, Chief Energy Officer of Indiana, recently testified before the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Energy. The hearing, titled "DOE Modernization: Legislation Addressing Cybersecurity and Emergency Response," follows below.
The House Subcommittee hearing included the following witnesses addressing four cybersecurity-related bills and energy emergency preparedness and resilience generally.
• The Honorable Mark Menezes, Under Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy
• Scott Aaronson, Vice President, Security and Preparedness, Edison Electric Institute
• Mark Engles, Senior Enterprise Security Advisor, Dominion Energy
• Kyle Pistor, Vice President, Government Relations, National Electrical Manufacturers Association
• Zachary Tudor, Associate Laboratory Director, Idaho National Laboratory
• Tristan Vance, Chief Energy Officer, Indiana