State energy officials from NASEO’s Mid-Atlantic Region gathered in Hershey, Pennsylvania, for a two-day meeting on June 24 and 25, 2013. The agenda covered state and local coordination, an update from the State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network, a joint meeting with representatives from PJM Interconnection, a discussion of new federal cybersecurity initiatives and the status energy assurance plans, and a presentation on residential energy efficiency. Ajoint session with the Mid-Atlantic Conference of Regulatory Utilities Commissioners (MACRUC), which was also meeting in Hershey, provided a forum to enhance intra- and inter-state policy development and program coordination. The American Gas Association, Building Performance Institute, and National Electrical Manufacturers Association sponsored NASEO’s event. Please contact NASEO Program Manager, Julia Friedman, with any questions regarding the NASEO Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting (