On June 25, 2013, Mark Sylvia, Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, testified on behalf of the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) at an Energy Subcommittee Hearing of the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee regarding pending energy efficiency legislation. The subcommittee is chaired by Senator Al Franken (D-MN).
The purpose of the hearing is to receive testimony on the following bills:
S. 717, the Nonprofit Energy Efficiency Act
S. 1084, the Streamlining Energy Efficiency for Schools Act
S. 1191, the Better Buildings Act
S. 1199, the All-Of-The-Above Federal Building Energy Conservation Act
S. 1200, the Residential Energy Savings Act
S. 1205, the Local Energy Supply and Resiliency Act
S. 1206, a bill to encourage benchmarking and disclosure of energy information for commercial buildings
S.1209, the State Energy Race to the Top Initiative Act
S. 1213, the Weatherization Enhancement and Local Energy Efficiency Investment and Accountability Act
Mr. Sylvia was part of a panel of experts providing testimony on nine bills, including bi-partisan legislation introduced by Senators Coons, Collins, and Reed to reauthorize the State Energy Program and the Weatherization Assistance Program. Under SEP and WAP, Mr. Sylvia stressed the states’ capacity to leverage the federal dollars, bolster economic opportunities and international competitiveness, and coordinate with the federal government.
Building on the success of SEP, Mr. Sylvia declared support for the Warner/Manchin Race to the Top initiative, Chairman Wyden’s benchmarking and combined heat and power bills that focus attention on important and untapped resources, and the Sanders/Wyden bill that expands energy efficiency financing programs through a federal loan program to the states.
An archived video and witness testimony are available on the committee website.