The National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) adopted a resolution which recommends states review and update state plans to respond to energy emergencies to ensure that an “all hazards” approach which includes energy-related critical infrastructure and cyber security are part of the state’s energy emergency response plan.
The resolution recommends that states review state energy emergency plans and update them to reflect the evolving state and federal organizational roles and responsibilities and changing risks and threats impacting the energy system – electricity, natural gas, petroleum products. The resolution also suggests that states focus on critical planning needs for potential petroleum shortages resulting from unforeseen supply disruptions, such as those associated with the Colonial Pipeline last year.
NASEO provides expert assistance to states, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy, to help review and update energy emergency plans, and to assist with preparedness and response efforts. At the state level, energy emergency planning is often funded, in part, through the federal U.S. State Energy Program. NASEO has also worked with states to enhance crisis communications and information sharing among state, federal and local officials, private sector energy providers and the public. NASEO assists with federal and state officials and the private sector to coordinate regional and multi-state exercises and responses to energy emergencies.
NASEO and DOE recently highlighted the threat to critical energy infrastructure from cyber incidents in the LIBERTY ECLIPSE Key Findings Report which provides recommendations for states consideration in preparing for a cyber incident affecting multiple energy resources. The recommendations are derived from the results of a December 2016 cyber-related energy emergency exercise conducted by NASEO and DOE. The report and this resolution are available on the NASEO website.