The newly established Leading by Example (LBE) Interstate Network was recently launched and originally conceived at an ad hoc meeting of several states during the 2015 Better Buildings Summit in Washington, DC - and represents a collaboration among NASEO, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and the National Governors Association (NGA), in an effort to support improved communication and collaboration among states.
The LBE Network listserv is meant to help states communicate more effectively about LBE programs, i.e., efforts that lead to clean energy and sustainability efforts within state government facilities. While we recognize that states have clean energy efforts that target consumers and businesses, as well as broader energy policy concerns, we believe LBE program leads would benefit from a coordinated way to communicate with one another and share their challenges and successes. We hope that this new listserv will encourage regular questioning and information-sharing among policymakers and program managersthat will be helpful in creating and improving LBE programs.
This listserv is being launched for state and federal staff working on LBE issues.
The LBE Network listserv is being coordinated by NASEO. Follow these steps to join:
1. Request an Invitation: Contact Todd Sims ( to express your interest in joining.
2. Follow the link in your email invitation: NASEO will send you an invitation via email. The link in the message will send you to the registration page.
3. Complete the Registration Form: Register using your contact information and photo (optional).
We hope that you will join our group and participate with any questions, suggestions, and/or advice that you think may be helpful. We look forward to working with you to advance important discussions, whether by email, webinar or in person, that continue us all on the sustainability path.