NASEO-NARUC Informational Session on DOE Energy Security and Grid Resilience Cohorts (State and Territory Energy Offices Only)

February 12, 2024, 1:00 - 2:00 PM ET
Webinar/Virtual Meeting

The DOE Energy Security and Grid Resilience Cohorts represent a joint effort between the Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security and Emergency Response (CESER) and the Grid Deployment Office (GDO) in collaboration with NASEO, the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to respond to state needs associated with implementation of federal grid resilience funding and development of state energy security plans (SESPs). These cohorts invite public utility commissions, State Energy Offices, consumer advocates, and emergency management agencies from different states to exchange ideas and input on best practices for advancing critical energy topics in their state. There will be a total six (6) cohorts:

  • Grid Resilience Grant Implementation
  • Risk Assessment Approaches
  • Risk Mitigation Strategies
  • Regulatory Mechanisms to Support Grid Resilience
  • Resilience Valuation Frameworks
  • Islands, Territories, and Alaska

The informational session will briefly provide an overview of the six (6) cohort topics, structures, and timelines, live Q&A for any clarifying details, and an opportunity to register for the cohorts. Please register here for the informational session.