1800 M Street
NW Front 1 #33159
Washington, DC 20036
202.981.5066 fax: 202.981.5066
A 501(c)(3), non-profit, education-based organization focused on accelerating the transformation to a carbon-free energy system.
Our mission is to provide actionable solutions that will empower electricity stakeholders to modernize the electric power industry through education of practical solutions, facilitating collaboration, and research and industry strategies.
With over 1,100 members, SEPA is unique in our diversity of membership which includes several state energy offices, utilities, industry technology providers, government agencies, regulators, and customers.
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using the login credentials provided to you by NASEO. To learn more about NASEO membership and to gain access to exclusive information and content, contact Shemika Spencer (sspencer@naseo.org).