Thursday, May 1
10:30 am – 10:45 am
Welcome and Introductions
Following brief introductions, the presenters will review the meeting agenda.
- David Terry, Executive Director, NASEO
- Terry Boston, President and CEO, PJM;
- Hayley Book, Policy Director, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Energy Assistance;
- Devon Dodson, Chief of Staff, Maryland Energy Administration, NASEO Mid Atlantic Board Member;
- Rob Underwood, Energy Administrator, Delaware Division of Clean Energy and Climate, NASEO Mid Atlantic Board Member
- Chuck Clinton, Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator, NASEO
10:45 am – 11:30 am
State Priorities Roundtable
Given that each Mid Atlantic State Energy Office recently delineated their specific priorities in these areas of mutual interest ---
- Combined Heat and Power
- Alternative Fuels Transportation
- Energy Efficiency in Buildings, including Net Zero Buildings
- PJM, Transmission and Distribution, and related issues; and to a lesser extent
- Comprehensive energy planning
- Renewable energy resource development
This session will feature a discussion of ways the SEO’s can collaborate on these priorities, cooperate on breaking down barriers, and explore potential funding sources to underwrite such activities.
- Hayley Book, Policy Director, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Energy Assistance
11:30 am – 12:00 pm
NASEO Programs and Policy Update
- David Terry, Executive Director, NASEO
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Networking Lunch
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
U.S. Department of Energy Weatherization and Intergovernmental Program Update
The DOE WIP operates the U.S. State Energy Program and Weatherization Assistance Program and provides technical assistance to states in developing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects and programs.
- Devon Dodson, Chief of Staff, Maryland Energy Administration, NASEO Mid Atlantic Board Member
- Anna Garcia, Director of the Weatherization and Intergovernmental Programs Office, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
- Status update on SEP and WIP funding and program direction.
- Timing of SEP formula and competitive funding opportunity announcements.
- Introduce the regional project officers.
- How do the states’ priorities align with the direction of SEP?
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
EPA’s Pending Standards for Existing Power Plants Under 111(d) – Issues and Opportunities
Among the most significant potential changes to the power sector in decades, EPA’s final greenhouse gas standards for existing power plants are expected for release in June 2015. State Energy Offices may be able to contribute to compliance through their energy efficiency and renewable energy programs.
- David Terry, Executive Director, NASEO
- Diane Franks, Program Manager, Air & Radiation Management Administration, Maryland Department of the Environment
- Foundational information on the pending standards under the Clean Air Act’s 111(d) provision for existing power plants.
- NASEO update on collaboration with national state associations and the private sector.
- Perspective from an air quality official regarding the incorporation of efficiency programs into the implementation plans.
- What approaches are the states considering to comply with the potential standards?
- What are the objectives of working together regionally?
- What are the achievable actions to address those objectives?
3:00 pm – 3:15 pm
3:15 pm - 4:00 pm
Rural and Ag-Energy Initiatives – Existing and Planned State Actions
The Farm Bill includes an historic $881 million in mandatory funding under the Energy Title. This is an opportunity for State Energy Offices to partner with farmers, ranchers, and rural communities to expand energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.
- Al Christopher, Director, Division of Energy, Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy
- Description of the Energy Title under the recent Farm Bill.
- Leveraging the State Energy Offices SEP funding, including financing programs.
- What are the states’ current activities in the rural and ag-energy sectors?
- What gaps or needs exist in these sectors that the State Energy Offices and NASEO can meet?
- How and what can we learn from each other regionally?
- Where would regional action help to meet the needs identified?
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Educational Tour PJM Control Room
- Adam Keech, Director of Market Operations, PJM
6:00 pm
Networking Dinner
Chadwick’s Restaurant and Bar/The Club at Shannondell, American (Traditional), 2750 Egypt Rd., Audubon, PA 19403, phone number: 610.382.9300
Friday, May 2
8:00 am – 10:00 am
Mid Atlantic State Energy Offices/PJM Discussion
For several years now, Mid Atlantic State Energy Office leaders of the Mid Atlantic have carried on discussions with PJM officials on matters of interest to the region. This panel will continue that conversation and that annual tradition.
Kevin Lucas, Director of Policy, Planning, and Analysis, Maryland Energy Administration
- Mike Kormos, Executive Vice President, Operations, PJM
Andy Ott, Executive Vice President, Markets, PJM
Denise Foster, Vice President, State and Member Services, PJM
- FERC 1000
- Demand Response Program
- Incremental Auction Process
- Polar Vortex --- Supply and Demand Lessons, Challenges
- Possible simplistic regional integrated energy resource plan
- Combined Heat and Power
- RPS Integration Study
- changes in PJM DR manual and energy compensation manual that will impact DG
- PJM Targeted Assistance to Mid Atlantic states
- What additional guidance, clarification is needed?
- What is role, responsibility, opportunity for State Energy Office?
10:00 am – 10:15 am
10:15 am – 12:00 pm
Elements of Mid Atlantic Comprehensive Energy Plans Important for PUC/PSC Commissioners to Know
As each Mid Atlantic State Energy Office exerts more leadership in the development and execution of energy policy, in large part through the creation and implementation of a strategic energy plan, what are the critical nexus points between the energy policies enunciated and the regulation carried out by PUC/PSC commissioners?
- Keith Anderson, Director, District Department of the Environment
- Hon. Betty Ann Kane, Chair, DC Public Service Commission
- -- Introduction, explanation of commissioners’ expectations for this panel
- Lance Loncke, Acting Associate Director, DC Energy Office
- Devon Dodson, Chief of Staff, Maryland Energy Administration
- Rob Underwood, Delaware Energy Administrator
- Hayley Book, Director, PA DEP Office of Energy Assistance
- Al Christopher, Director, VA Division of Energy
- Bill Willis, Program Coordinator, WV Division of Energy (via phone)
- What’s important in the state’s comprehensive energy plan relative to energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainability ?
- What does the comprehensive energy plan call for that will ensure availability and affordability of energy resources in the state?
- What multi-state collaboration in the Mid Atlantic is encouraged or supported by the state’s comprehensive energy plan?
- What does the state PUC/PSC need to know about energy assurance, emergency plans in the state?
- What specific elements of the state’s comprehensive energy plan require collaboration with the PUC/PSC?
- What points can be emphasized in each state comprehensive energy plan to facilitate understanding, cooperation, and coordination between and among State Energy Offices and Public Service Commissions?
- What steps going forward will facilitate such understanding, cooperation, and coordination?
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Networking Lunch for PUC/PSC Commissioners and SEO Directors
1:15 pm – 2:30 pm
PUC/PSC Commissioner Rejoinder, Counterpoint to Comprehensive Energy Plan Discussion
This panel will provide the assembled PUC/PSC commissioners an opportunity to respond to what they heard in the previous panel about important aspects of the various state comprehensive energy plans, and to articulate integral elements of what they do that should be understood and supported by the State Energy Offices
- Hon. Betty Ann Kane, Chair, DC Public Service Commission
- NJ: Commissioner Jeanne M. Fox (invited); Commissioner Mary-Anna Holden (invited)
- DE: Commissioner Dallas Winslow, Chair
- MD: Commissioner Kevin Hughes (invited), Chair; Commissioner Kelly Speakes-Backman (invited)
- PA: Commissioner Robert Powelson (invited), Chair; Commissioner Gladys Brown (invited)
- VA: Commissioner James Dimitri (invited), Chair
- DC: Commissioner Betty Ann Kane, Chair; Commissioner Joanne Doddy Fort, Esq.
- How commissions in general integrate energy efficiency and renewable into service territories
- How commissions promote sustainability with their decisions
- How commissions mitigate disasters, outages, with reference to state energy assurance plans
- What commissions do to ensure affordable energy, especially for low income citizens
- The nexus commissioners see between state comprehensive energy plans and their various proceedings in general
- Action steps that commissioners suggest to enhance understanding, cooperation, and coordination between and among PUCs and SEOs
- Action steps that may be taken jointly by PUCs and SEOs that can be built on over the next year. then reported on at the next scheduled joint meeting, in conjunction MACRUC in June, 2015 at Williamsburg, VA
- How did the various presentations on state comprehensive energy plans help Mid Atlantic commissioners better understand the energy policy priorities and strategies of the SEOs?
- What opportunities can be seized jointly by comissioners and directors to further improve the availability, reliability, and affordability of energy in the Mid Atlantic?
2:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Wrap-up and Action Items
- David Terry, Executive Director, NASEO
- Chuck Clinton, Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator, NASEO
- Prioritize the action items and address any additional business in the Mid Atlantic region.
3:00 pm